Anyone else still riding?

My last ride was 2 weeks ago, and I expect it will be the last this year. Once the salt goes down on the road I tend to avoid for a few days.
Still using mine daily though hearing the wind whilst in bed this morning almost made me change to the car. As it happens it was hardly annoying. I might go car again if/when it gets freezing.
Still using mine daily though hearing the wind whilst in bed this morning almost made me change to the car. As it happens it was hardly annoying. I might go car again if/when it gets freezing.

I was riding today and there were a few times when I almost got blown into the curb. It's so frustrating when this happens :mad:
Road bike is tucked away and the DR is having its play time! Generally only to and between green lanes etc. I can feel a weekend off roading in Wales coming up!!

Using my Honda Vt shadow 125 all year round ( First year riding ) and I have seem some pretty bad conditions and flooding but its been handling it well up here. Starting to get some spots of rust in places but just keep cleaning it off and its fine. A few scares when hitting large floods while being blinded by bloody cars :-/ Can't wait till summer for a bigger bike tho :)
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