Anyone else with a groen sig?

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[FnG]magnolia;18663503 said:
He used to get off his face on drink and/or drugs and then post the strangest things regarding his daughter and son who, it seems very likely, did not actually exist.

Just like Magik's lizard men and groen's expertise in space travel. Unfortunately, the aforementioned members always seem to be sober. :(
Only one so far... not just the sheer volume of siggable quites, but I'm sure I've seen a more diverse range of groen's sigs around here.

To be fair, it sounds like I'm singling groen out - which, I suppose, I am. I'd like to take the opportunity to say that I'm not holding anything against groen, nor am I inferring that I think he's a cretin or slightly retarded. He has strong opinions on things and I respect him (somewhat) for having the conviction to repeatedly post opinions that so many people think are absurd - whether I consider him to be right or wrong, you've got to acknowledge the fact that most people would have ragequit the forums by now. Kudos to you, groen, for giving me chuckles.

On a side note, why do so many of these ilk avoid capital letters like the plague? groen, magick, mattheman, doofer, dvdbunny... what's so abhorrent about the shift key? :confused:

Edit: I'm also of the opinion that groen trolls, but only via hyperbole of his true inclinations - there is a worrying seed of verity in every controversial opinion he expresses.
There are 2 actually although the other one is a screen dump of the quote.

It's not the level of stupidity that gets me it's the unwillingness to listen to others or to even contemplate that they might be wrong, the forum is full of people like that, suppose it represents society quite well then.
I don't have one because I think at the time I thought it would be good to have a name that doesn't have a capital letter, to be 'different', I guess. :s

I don't put peoples comments into my sig because I'm not a band wagon jumping circle jerking whore.

Damn, I wish I was as awesome as you.
[FnG]magnolia;18662626 said:
I don't think groen trolls. I think he means every word. I know, it terrifies me too.

I literally cannot comprehend his displayed level of stupidity. It is, to all intents and purposes, beyond me. I have to assume that he is trolling purely to maintain what little faith I have in the human race at times... :p

I don't put peoples comments into my sig because I'm not a band wagon jumping circle jerking whore.

lolwut? :confused:

Not that hard to understand. There's nothing that particularly brilliant, or incredibly stupid that stands out as sig worthy. Instead people have jumped on a circle jerking band wagon of putting peoples mediocre witticisms and stupidity into their sigs.

It'd be interesting to know who started the fad though.
Not that hard to understand. There's nothing that particularly brilliant, or incredibly stupid that stands out as sig worthy. Instead people have jumped on a circle jerking band wagon of putting peoples mediocre witticisms and stupidity into their sigs.

It'd be interesting to know who started the fad though.

Wow, ok.

The 'lolwut' was more about the sudden onset of fiery vitriol than why you despise quote sigs...
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