Also, please show me evidence that any otherwise legal site has been removed just because the government didn't like it.
The Virgin Killers album cover was censored on wikipedia.
Also, please show me evidence that any otherwise legal site has been removed just because the government didn't like it.
It's not about what you say its about democracy, if you can't see it then you've been brain washed. One day you'll wake up and a number will be stamped, you'll look back at the days when you had a chance to chance things.
The Virgin Killers album cover was censored on wikipedia.
Well said mattheman. The characterisation of the protesters as disrespectful, unwashed, unemployed, vandals isn't accurate. Just another example of people on the Internet mouthing off on subjects they don't know much about.
nope slow erosion of your rights over the past 10 years.
Your opinions seem rather strange, some evidence would be appreciated
The truth is 99.9% of people protesting against G8 and G20 don't smash up any property whatsoever.
nope slow erosion of your rights over the past 10 years.
In my experience the violence is mostly hype. I was in Rostock in 2007 during the G8 'riots'. I was on the ground and the media coverage just didn't correlate with my personal experience. Ever since then I've been skeptical of the media's reporting of protests like this.That's an interesting comment to make. I wonder if it will still be justified after the summit?
So we've got an unofficial list that is evidence of illegal activity if accurate, which is only partly adhered to, which makes sense as no one is forced to use it and it's a matter of choice.
What terrorist stuff is blocked? Also, please show me evidence that any otherwise legal site has been removed just because the government didn't like it. For the record, the fact that we don't know about any such activities is not evidence that those activities are happening but being covered up.
The whole iwf thing is weird. They are a non-governmental organisation who decide which sites contain child porn, even though if view saw sites that were child porn, they'd be breaking the law as even viewing it is illegal. Some isps then choose to block the sites on the iwf list even though they're not at all obliged to, and even though there is no authority inherent in that list.
So we've got an unofficial list that is evidence of illegal activity if accurate, which is only partly adhered to, which makes sense as no one is forced to use it and it's a matter of choice. Then it's so poorly implemented that they break wikipedia and back down when everyone complains, so the original image is now fully available again.
If this is some kind of government plot to restrict our internet access, it is hilariously inept.
The ISP's were basically told "implement filtering using an approved list or we'll do it for you", all the major ones chose to comply with this threat.
The problem with internet filtering is that the entire technology is inept, therefore any attempt to use it will be destined at some point to expose this.
Cleanfeed is mandatory for ISP's, what the IWF say is illegal gets blocked by it.
EDIT - Btw those ISP's account for 95% of internet users, there's not really any choice in the matter.
In my experience the violence is mostly hype. I was in Rostock in 2007 during the G8 'riots'. I was on the ground and the media coverage just didn't correlate with my personal experience. Ever since then I've been skeptical of the media's reporting of protests like this.