Anyone got a Powerball, how is it?

When i first got mine, i was using it non-stop pretty much all day. Severly sore wrists for a few days :/

Then i dropped it off a 1 ft table and it broke :(
Fixed :D

I have 2 but the novelty sort of wore off - I really should use them as the improved wrist strength will come in handy for fapping purposes.

I do have one, not used it in a while, was the only one in the office who could use it hehe
I got one about 3 years back and it was great I used it ALL day just trying to get better and at about 9pm i was in bed in agony, it really does work but don't over do it on the first few days like me :(

I think my high score is 13k but I haven't played with it for a while, I think I will start using it again as it really was good.
At the risk of turning this into a medical thread ...

Please confirm that if you have wrist problems caused by years of abusing mice resulting in stiff painful wrists, then these things can help if used carefully and sensibly?
I've got two (no, this isn't a pun.. I actually do have two.)

Yes, they strengthen your forearms. Only strengthen though.
At the risk of turning this into a medical thread ...

Please confirm that if you have wrist problems caused by years of abusing mice resulting in stiff painful wrists, then these things can help if used carefully and sensibly?

Yep, go easy though.

I was noticing the stiffness in my left hand from playing the violin and this has improved it no end. I use it to warm up my hands and allows me to increase my stamina (can play for 3 hours+ easily.)

Records are 11.5k on right arm. 9.5k on left (run out of talent, need to work on technique.)

It's not improving my tendon strength though, I feel the stiffness come back if I have been lifting anything/doing press-ups. :(

Might get a metal one.
Heh powerball, welcome to 8 years ago! :p Quite good fun, I managed around 13k on mine at the time.

For the guys that lost their string, you don't need it! As has been said you can easily start it with your thumb or just run the thing down your leg or along a table to get it started.

Mine ended up getting broken by an idiot at work and I never bought another :(
Been meaning to buy one for a good few years! I fear when I actually do though, I won't use it after the first week. I am managing to stick to an excercise routine so far after a good few weeks so maybe I can prove myself wrong.

Powerball world record.... I mean.... seriously, how gay does that look =/

I want one, but not if it makes me look like that :o

Not bad to say I was 16 at the time. I must have got weaker though, as I can't improve it two years later. :p

Powerball world record.... I mean.... seriously, how gay does that look =/

I want one, but not if it makes me look like that :o

You're not going to get anywhere near that speed, unless you're some kind of strength machine. :p
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