Anyone in a hard water area use a no scale type product at all?
Our tap water comes out at ~400 TDS so we have an RO drinking water system under the sink and our kettle, pots and pans are like new but there is no way I want to fill up 1700 odd litres with it, would take a week.
Just so you know TDS (total dissolved solids) doesn’t measure hardness.
Your water supplier will give you a very accurate reading on their website for your specific supply so you don’t need to worry messing what comes out the tap.
Mine is over 400mg/l or ppm (same thing)
Yes, I might switch to doing that.
I think for peace of mind a few ml each week of the scale inhibitor is pretty easy.
Thing is, keeping water bang on is tricky at times. PH is about 7.4 and TA is around 100-120 (the test strips don’t give exact numbers). Calcium is as per above.