Anyone into RC?

Yeah, would need to upgrade to a brushless esc too. Would also recommend some LiPo batteries instead, you'll get better power and run times.

What would you like to spend?
Some good stuff in this thread, I used to bash with my 1/5 FG monster truck with 2.4ghz radio but just haven't got time for it any more sadly :(

Its just sitting in my garage, really must get around to ebaying it to fund a panasonic GF1/GF2!! Heres a pic when i just bought it, xbox pad is for size comparison not a contoller :P



and heres a pic of my old savage :)

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Currently got a Mini E-revo with tenbol conversion.
Had a HPI Baja 5b SS as well, might get another one day and do a castle conversion on it.
A few of the guys at my local track run Agamas, pretty quick with them as well. Good choice of engine as well, I might get one when i need a spare.
does any one know where to get hyper 7 rear upper diff cases from and also has them in stock?

my hyper 7 black done a cart wheel too many and a rough landing from about 7 feet in the air on its spoiler, which has broken the rear diff case where the rear suppension tower connects and then the spoiler connects to the shock tower.

got one on order with my local shop but its been ages and their not expecting any parts from the distributor any time soon, they even said just order one from model sport but model sport dont have any lol

ah well i can always steal the part of dads hyper 7 if i really need to he likes trucks and truggys more now a days mainly his trophy and hyper st, sledgehammer s50 and his savage 3.5 with a 4.6 trophy engine plus i got the ishima rave to use while waiting on the hyper part :)

hyper 7 black is my main nitro buggy though with an ishima rave as back up, yes its weird since the ishima rave is higher specced including its engine and its just as robust but i love my hyper lol since i had the hyper from brand new and the ishima was a hand me down from my dad :)
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Have been into RC for a number of years now, although its very very rare i ever get out to play any more!

Here is my first car, started off as a Savage 21 before being modified LOTS...

Have owned lots of cars over the years: HPI Savage, HPI MT2, Hyper 7 PBS, HongNor X1CR, X1CRT, Mugen MBX6, Hyper 9, Team Associated RC18MT, Schumacher onroad jobbie and some terrible Hot Bodies truck! There are probably some more but i cant for the life of me remember!

I then moved onto RC planes and have a good collection of those too! But thats a post for another day!
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