anyone used to play on Wireplay ?

Played Air Attack since the early days of WP, was my first taste of online gaming and was addicted. i was called Firestorm and people may remember me winning the Tournament with the top prize of £500 and I think Piro came 2nd for £300.
wow what a blast from the past.

I was in clan [BABES] and later [PR] / PR^ Phoenix Rising who were a Quake 2 clan at first with half men and half women well until the move to Battlefield saw the ladies drop off. the website is still up as I keep paying the bill though its the 7th version of it but it contains a lot of old results and we even added Quake 2 videos too YouTube.
PR^ went on to play Quake 3 and then BF1942 becoming one of the best in the UK after that it was BF2 and BF2142 and then a brief stint in Team Fortress 2 but these last 10 years has seen the clan remain inactive but members pop up on the site all the time like Spanjab, Sar, Nutkins amongst others.
wow what a blast from the past.

I was in clan [BABES] and later [PR] / PR^ Phoenix Rising who were a Quake 2 clan at first with half men and half women well until the move to Battlefield saw the ladies drop off. the website is still up as I keep paying the bill though its the 7th version of it but it contains a lot of old results and we even added Quake 2 videos too YouTube.
PR^ went on to play Quake 3 and then BF1942 becoming one of the best in the UK after that it was BF2 and BF2142 and then a brief stint in Team Fortress 2 but these last 10 years has seen the clan remain inactive but members pop up on the site all the time like Spanjab, Sar, Nutkins amongst others.
I remember going on quake 2 servers and ra2 a lot and I am sure you were there quite a bit too. Really loved those days ( into the early hours ).
Sounds like my situation. Had around a 250-280 ping for a couple of years. When you changed was it all you expected? I remember everyone saying how much of a difference it would make. I still didn't believe but wow what a difference it made when I got ISDN.

Yep, it was truly amazing at the time, I remember joining a Q2 server with a 40 odd ping and becoming a LPB. It really made a massive difference.
Nostalgia may be killing you, but I remember my phone bill doing that to me a few times!
My NTL 0800 free connection and 56k (connected at 52k more than once) laughs in the face of your old hphone bill:p

Mind you I did then pay out £45 a month for 512k, with a £250 upfront equipment fee for the modem...
SHS taught us to conc jump in TFC. I remember defending on The Well, we had 2 engies covering the lifts to the flag and i remember saying WTF over roger wilco as they conc jumped a Heavy Weapons guy up to the top of the platform. Needless to say i wasnt expecting that level of advanced tactic and i just stood there and took his minigun in my face.

You bet your ass we practiced the beep out of that technique.
Every time someone posts in this thread, it makes me smile. Still so many memories from so long ago!

Q2 and RA2 were just so amazing for the time and I spent many hours playing them. It's pretty cool seeing some old names that I recognise from back then too.
Wireplay takes me back... used to play a lot of Q2 Jump, also helped with the server here and there and wrote some guides. Even made a map, which in the end I couldn't even do it was that hard :p. Met some great people there like Tony, Neur0, Kendo, wootwoot, SadButTrue, and Killa.

Other than Wireplay it was Savage UK and heavily into Q2RA2 and Threewave CTFS. Used to help run the Q2RA2 leagues as an admin, and pitched in with the radio station. Way too many names to rattle off of who I met there, but (mostly!) all were great people. Hard to remember all the clans, but: EXE, FED, SPKs, ]I[, UKF, XTC, TJD, LE, TAA, YWN... to name just a few. If you played RA2 or CTF on Savage UK or Jolt UK between 1999 and 2004 ish, we probably killed each other :p

Other than that was also on Barrysworld and Jolt a looooooong time ago now!

Good times
All night TFC sessions, going to bed as the sun was rising, ahh memories...

Well and 2Fort 24/7 - just so much fun, loved building a sentry in the Well attic.
We used to have some cracking games of CS.

Yep, playing to the early hours in the morning, back in a time when I could get by on less them 9 hours sleep.
Was such a close-knit community as well, joining a random server and you would at least know 1 or 2 people on it.
Wow, blast from the past.

[XPd]Palleon here - Kingpin was the best online gaming time I had - our clan (Me and [XpD]OutLaw) never won a match, but we had a great time dying and met some great people. I remember even making a very small animated web/flash series which was hosted on Wireplay. It was terrible too :D

Great memories.
Played Air Attack since the early days of WP, was my first taste of online gaming and was addicted. i was called Firestorm and people may remember me winning the Tournament with the top prize of £500 and I think Piro came 2nd for £300.

I think I remember the name and the tournament - I was maybe 4th and think I considered you one of the top of the duels (ladder was it?) - long time ago maybe 25 years? - BombayRoll
Wow, blast from the past.

[XPd]Palleon here - Kingpin was the best online gaming time I had - our clan (Me and [XpD]OutLaw) never won a match, but we had a great time dying and met some great people. I remember even making a very small animated web/flash series which was hosted on Wireplay. It was terrible too :D

Great memories.

Missed this.
I was XDP too. I never remember winning a Kingpin match either, just causing chaos and other teams moaning in the chatrooms about not being able to plan as we had no tactics. I spent most matches laughing too much.
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