anyone used to play on Wireplay ?

I can remember having a game of TFC against SHS, and they just creamed us. I think it was Edge, their scout, who could conc-jump across the walkways in the Well flag room, then throw a grenade into the little flagroom at the top, run in just after the grenade had exploded which opened up the grate and then he'd conc-jump back across the room in the most fluid motion I'd ever seen. I was the Soldier guarding the flag and I just couldn't do anything against that because it happened so fast! It was epic to watch though.
Played a game of Quake 2 on wireplay and absolutely dominated, it was awesome! :D My wife happened to be watching and even she was amazed at how well I did. Sadly the days of dominating in MP games are far behind me :(
Wireplay was my first online gaming experience. Played Action Quake at first but then I played Air Attack (as Beelzebub or Beef Curtains) and got very addicted to it. There was an amazing community back then. I remember the names that some other people have posted in this thread already. Still one of the best online experiences I've had after all these years. Can't for the life of me remember which squad I was in though
I remember those good old days of Wireplay :) (And the huge phonebills with it)

Was in Anomaly (~A~) and AK47 back in the TFC days :)

It's kind of a shame that those kind of communities don't really exist anymore these days.

But I don't miss getting hit with £800+ phonebills (after discounts lol)
I was a CS admin and forum moderator for wireplay as part of tbZ

I have very fond memories of counterstrike leagues and competitions
Played on both Wireplay and Barrysworld, Tribal Danzers (Starsiege: Tribes) despite the huge phone bills everything seemed to be more community driven back then creating loads of fun and challenge. It just seemed so much more organised and friendly structured.
nowadays it feels we have lost that element in internet game play, its probably just me being a grumpy old git and dwelling on nostalgia. Or is it ?
yea I thought I was the dogs on my isdn 64k then twin isdn
was kingpin on wireplay i swear it was but i remember playing on wireplay
So who is going to give the new RTX version of Q2 a decent bashing for old times sake... Wonder if I can remember how to setup a decent server bank LOL
The irony is that back in the day many of us would turn the detail level right down when playing multiplayer.
The irony is that back in the day many of us would turn the detail level right down when playing multiplayer.

640 res, don't you know:o

That said i was never a fan of those that set gl-modulate, and had klaxon sirens go off when somebody picked the mega health.
oh and |BEERZnWORMZ|, propper blast from the past. Wasn't there a guy who would always play sniper affiliated to that clan? Seem to remember him having links to MM and Doomtrooper/Tau (Wub :x)
Probably confusing 3 different people but def rings a bell.

[FM]Fluke? :D You were always the top Heavy man.


yo mirage long time no speak.. TFC was insane game.. BiA =BC= ~A~ SHS etc..... great memories. :)

No mention of -EF- Westie? Jeez man, best clan ever.

Sorry for necro bump but youtube throwing supreme commander vods at me for some reason made me remember my wireplay TA days (Johnny99) and google led me here. The nostalgia in this thread is unreal.
Met some good friends on TFC, then going upto flamborough for some LAN sessions in the community center with the DSH guys and others, about 40 of us.
Now its all just your mums a *****, etc etc. No real communities.
I remember those good old days of Wireplay :) (And the huge phonebills with it)

Was in Anomaly (~A~) and AK47 back in the TFC days :)

It's kind of a shame that those kind of communities don't really exist anymore these days.

But I don't miss getting hit with £800+ phonebills (after discounts lol)

(~A~) and AK47 were the closest to Godlike you could get in the early days of TFC for me. Wasn't IcepiK the main guy? Deffo remember Devilman too. Legends you both :D


[FM]Fluke? :D You were always the top Heavy man.

No mention of -EF- Westie? Jeez man, best clan ever.

Sorry for necro bump but youtube throwing supreme commander vods at me for some reason made me remember my wireplay TA days (Johnny99) and google led me here. The nostalgia in this thread is unreal.

[FM]Doomtrooper and me fatting it up on 2Fort. Me top of basement, Doom on top ramp. Funky on bottom basement iirc :D
Funnily enough it was our league match against AK47 who annihilated us on 2fort while they took the **** on global chat that signed the death knell of multiple fatties for FM. I was rubbish at soldier and ended up going attack scout/medic and Doomtrooper/Tau was one of the few decent hwg left in the game. Didn't he end up with -EF- too??

FunkyMunki still plays a lot on Quake Live.
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