Anyone Using an Asus DSL-AC68U

A statement from Asus would be good. The fact it's been going on for months suggests it's something that may not be able to be fixed with firmware. Embarrassing if this is the case.
A statement from Asus would be good. The fact it's been going on for months suggests it's something that may not be able to be fixed with firmware. Embarrassing if this is the case.

Either way they need to sort it and I agree with you they are leaving everyone in the dark.
Nov 29 15:56:55 rc_service: tp_init 1313:notify_rc stop_dsl_diag
Nov 29 15:56:57 email: No diagnostic file!
Nov 29 16:01:33 rc_service: hotplug 11750:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Nov 29 16:01:33 kernel: FAT: FAT read failed (blocknr 1247)
Nov 29 16:01:33 kernel: FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos 5460994)
Nov 29 16:01:34 kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 341312) failed
Nov 29 16:01:34 kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 341313) failed
Nov 29 16:01:34 kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 341314) failed

Argh, looks like I wasted a 24 hour diagnostic run to find it failed. I've formatted my USB stick with NTFS and am trying again.
Nov 29 15:56:55 rc_service: tp_init 1313:notify_rc stop_dsl_diag
Nov 29 15:56:57 email: No diagnostic file!
Nov 29 16:01:33 rc_service: hotplug 11750:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Nov 29 16:01:33 kernel: FAT: FAT read failed (blocknr 1247)
Nov 29 16:01:33 kernel: FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos 5460994)
Nov 29 16:01:34 kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 341312) failed
Nov 29 16:01:34 kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 341313) failed
Nov 29 16:01:34 kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 341314) failed

Argh, looks like I wasted a 24 hour diagnostic run to find it failed. I've formatted my USB stick with NTFS and am trying again.

Might be worth formatting as a Ext3 rather than a native Windows FAT/NTFS
Good point. I'll do that before I start it again.

Ixel, you really need to contact Broadbandbuyer and discuss your options with this device, it's consuming too much of your time and effort trying to remedy what ASUS should have done months ago.

I fell into a 'love/hate' relationship with the device which was hard to break but I'm glad I did.
Ixel, you really need to contact Broadbandbuyer and discuss your options with this device, it's consuming too much of your time and effort trying to remedy what ASUS should have done months ago.

I fell into a 'love/hate' relationship with the device which was hard to break but I'm glad I did.

Well there's only two positive points which at the moment convince me to stick with it for now.

1) Not manually overriding the downstream parameters, DLM has set me to 49Mbps with INP 3 and a delay of 8ms at the moment. Comparing the HG612 and this, I've found that the ASUS must have better error correction in it as the HG612 gets significantly more ES and I hardly get any ES with the ASUS (though an enormous amount of FEC however). If DLM does really look at the ES and not the FEC then my plan is to stay with it for at least a few more weeks to see if DLM increases my profile. I plan to stick to DLM's settings from yesterday for at most a few weeks in hope that DLM will increase the speed banding, as I can't override this on any other device I've used so far.

2) Being able to override the downstream speed banding and interleaving.

Other than that, I would've given up with this a long time ago and if Broadbandbuyer didn't take it back for a credit or refund then I would've tried to sell it on eBay.

I've set a deadline of just before Christmas Eve - plenty of time for DLM to react if it's true that it doesn't observe FEC, but the ES figure (which is currently around a few seconds in both directions over a 24 hour timeframe). As I understand it the DLM is back in operation again.

In the meantime do you think I should contact them anyway and explain the situation and my plan? Or should I wait until a few weeks have passed as intended right now?
I've set a deadline of just before Christmas Eve - plenty of time for DLM to react if it's true that it doesn't observe FEC, but the ES figure (which is currently around a few seconds in both directions over a 24 hour timeframe). As I understand it the DLM is back in operation again.

In the meantime do you think I should contact them anyway and explain the situation and my plan? Or should I wait until a few weeks have passed as intended right now?

Under a rather obscure EU consumer law your supposed to notify the seller within 2 months of a possible fault should you need to look at returning an item if it is proven faulty which again you must prove. There is some confusion about consumer law mostly because retailers take the chance you won't complain if they reject your claim and say tough you've had it more than 21 days, whereas in fact under EU law its 6 months.

Theres no news to suggest DLM is back on and my guess is it will be after xmas before anything changes unless BT take one on the chin and pay ASSIA to use DLM as they still need to get any workaround cleared by the courts (I believe) and that could take a while.
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Pokes head in door is it fixed yet?

I noticed they uploaded the new firmware exactly 2 month's since the last one and have since released a few new ones has it made any difference?

Something else that i noticed is that asus appear to have told the retailers to get rid and push/sell stock of the Asus DSL-AC68U for example ocuk is constantly selling it on the weekly offer but i am pretty sure it has been on sale for a month now... and other website's are slowly getting cheaper and cheaper the lowest being 160 pounds.
Something else that i noticed is that asus appear to have told the retailers to get rid and push/sell stock of the Asus DSL-AC68U for example ocuk is constantly selling it on the weekly offer but i am pretty sure it has been on sale for a month now... and other website's are slowly getting cheaper and cheaper the lowest being 160 pounds.

I very much doubt that. PC World were selling it for £159.99 when I purchased it back on 1st October, yet when I took it back for a refund 10 days ago it was on the website at £179.99.

I suspect retailers are not impressed with the unit and the volume of complaints so are trying to sweeten the deal by discounting them in the hope that Asus will release a stable firmware before they start being asked for refunds again as the cycle of sell>refund>sell>refund restarts again especially on B grade items.

Items returned also rarely go back to the OEM unless they are recalled, they are purchased heavily discounted by refurbishing companies who test they are working, re-flash, re-package and sell onto retailers as B grade refurbished products. I used to work for such a company 15 yrs ago that dealt with a well known PC brand only available from PC World/Currys.

Most retailers generally don't buy direct from the foreign manufacturers, they deal with a reseller/importer due to the small numbers they buy.
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Has anyone had any further contact from Asus on the matter?
I've asked Paul Lee twice about the power adaptors and had no response, which now makes me wonder even more! I've submitted a diagnostics for him on one of their tools and they're analysing it. If I hear anything I will gladly post any findings.
I've been in touch with Paul Lee. He told me the diagnostics I sent were clear of CRC errors basically (because I sent him that of my connection being capped at 49Mbps downstream with INP 3 and a delay of 8ms), however I'll be submitting further diagnostics at his request for a different sync rate with both fastpath and interleaving, for 5 hours.

Also as a final note, I've been asked not to share any knowledge of the modem's advanced functionality (which is obvious), hence why I've not shared it on a public forum. This also means requests via PM's or trusts will be ignored so please don't ask me how I'm doing such things. Anyone with such knowledge should also ensure they don't share such knowledge either. I will still continue to share statistics and news here however.

All that matters is that I can hopefully help ASUS get this problem solved by diagnosing various configurations on my line via the modem's firmware at their request.
I've been in touch with Paul Lee. He told me the diagnostics I sent were clear of CRC errors basically (because I sent him that of my connection being capped at 49Mbps downstream with INP 3 and a delay of 8ms), however I'll be submitting further diagnostics at his request for a different sync rate with both fastpath and interleaving, for 5 hours.

Also as a final note, I've been asked not to share any knowledge of the modem's advanced functionality (which is obvious), hence why I've not shared it on a public forum. This also means requests via PM's or trusts will be ignored so please don't ask me how I'm doing such things. Anyone with such knowledge should also ensure they don't share such knowledge either. I will still continue to share statistics and news here however.

All that matters is that I can hopefully help ASUS get this problem solved by diagnosing various configurations on my line via the modem's firmware at their request.

Keep up the good work :) - I agree with you or there will be a few broken units (user error) :)
Keep up the good work :) - I agree with you or there will be a few broken units (user error) :)

Yeah. I'm hoping they don't just come back to me and say something along the lines of that they can't help me because I've manually altered some advanced settings, even though those settings only override the sync rate, INP and delay of the modem.

I've told Paul Lee how I've done it, waiting to see what he says.
Yeah. I'm hoping they don't just come back to me and say something along the lines of that they can't help me because I've manually altered some advanced settings, even though those settings only override the sync rate, INP and delay of the modem.

I've told Paul Lee how I've done it, waiting to see what he says.

Well it will be poor show on their part if they do. I can't see how it would be a problem as that's not changing the router settings drastically.
I am trying a Ferrite Core and I've turned everything off on the DSL settings. Interestingly since putting it on, I have no packet loss showing on the thinkbroadband Broadband Quality Monitor. The CRC's are still growing but at a reduced rate, I am thinking this is not the only problem, but I do think that it's effecting the router/modem. I must say this is a little frustrating for a £200+ router!
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Yeah. I'm hoping they don't just come back to me and say something along the lines of that they can't help me because I've manually altered some advanced settings, even though those settings only override the sync rate, INP and delay of the modem.

I've told Paul Lee how I've done it, waiting to see what he says.

I'm not sure they can, they will have had every opportunity to lock the end user from these features during the design stages. The fact they didn't is an oversight on their part. They also provided many of us with the tool TCConsole that allowed these features to be exploited.

Personally I think ASUS owe the likes of yourself and a good few others some form of apology and compensation for being effectively beta testers at your own expense.
It does change the modem part drastically

someone in touch with asus (in a Greek forum) told me will be disable with the next firmware the secret page & perhaps the tool :( ... if yes will not send any logs because via the feedback option is rebooting the modem :confused:
If that is true (disabling TC) then I'm either going to try and send it back to Broadbandbuyer for mostly a credit note, or failing that then sell it. I'm not interested in helping a company who wishes to lock down their product potential, especially one that is clearly buggy.

Typical, I put it on a 5 hour diagnostic for fastpath at 74Mbps and it hasn't seriously gone haywire yet.

Tx_CRC[0]  = 0
Tx_FEC[0]  = 487
Tx_ERR_SEC = 0
Tx_FEC_SEC = 7
Rx_CRC[0]  = 659
Rx_FEC[0]  = 0
Rx_ERR_SEC = 74
Rx_FEC_SEC = 0
Near-end total: los=0, sef=0, lpr=0
Far-end  total: los=1, sef=1, lpr=0
VDSL2 Sync-Up Time:  0 Day(s)  1:10:31

Hopefully it will within the 5 hour timeframe. I bet it's also due to the time I'm running it, at night it seems to be more stable than during the day, leading me to believe crosstalk is having an impact on it. Either that or my device has become more stable by a miracle.

Didn't lose sync on the interleaved diagnostic at 74Mbps, but I did lose sync twice (or what I can looks like it was twice from the log) on fastpath at the same speed. Paul has got back to me. I believe he's ok with the way I'm performing these diagnostics. I'm sending them off in a few minutes, will update once I have anything useful to say.
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