Anyone Voting in the Catalan Referendum?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
If is has a military to back it up a region, area, principality, kingdom, or whatever can just declare itself independent. Pretty much how it's worked in a basic way since nations began. Catalonia doesn't really have a fighting force though.

If you are suggesting a civil war then I guess they have people...but we’ve been there in the past and that’s why we have a unified Spain? People have lived in peace since so what does independence really gain?
29 Jan 2008
Whats going to happen now then, going to be the same like with Serbia and Kosovo?

doubtful, while Spain was fascist once I don't think they're going to go into full on ethnic cleansing mode, probably more riots and civil disobedience, lots of general strikes and some more footage like the referendum crackdown
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Honestly what has changed in the past 12 months? Did Spain go into a deep recession of late which caused this political storm or did the President of Catalonia thought he can gain some political brownie points from his people with this referendum? What did he hope to gain, knowing full well of the law, by holding an illegal referendum? He would certainly know he can’t just declare independence and think Madrid will just stand by and do nothing.

I can’t see the Catalan people have any thirst for violence or civil war, but all this will do is cause some underground movement from some minority for violence, akin to the IRA probably.
2 Sep 2017
If is has a military to back it up a region, area, principality, kingdom, or whatever can just declare itself independent. Pretty much how it's worked in a basic way since nations began. Catalonia doesn't really have a fighting force though.

Catalonia doesn't need any army. Just a normal atittude from Madrid to finally accept that Catalonia no longer wants Madrid to exploit them and have negative influence on them.

If you are suggesting a civil war then I guess they have people...but we’ve been there in the past and that’s why we have a unified Spain? People have lived in peace since so what does independence really gain?

Freedom from the wrong government in Madrid.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Catalonia doesn't need any army. Just a normal atittude from Madrid to finally accept that Catalonia no longer wants Madrid to exploit them and have negative influence on them.

Freedom from the wrong government in Madrid.

They live in the EU, plenty of other to choose from.....

If they dislike their government then change it by law or by force, if they have any.
29 Jan 2008
well it looks like the Spanish Senate has approved direct rule:

Also the prosecutor is seeking charges against those responsible for the vote:

Spain’s top prosecutor will seek rebellion charges for those responsible for a vote in favor of declaring an independent Catalan republic, an official spokesman said.

The spokesman said the prosecutor is looking to determine if the charges should be limited to the Catalan cabinet, including President Carles Puigdemont and Vice President Oriol Junqueras, or if they should also include members of the parliament’s governing board and lawmakers.

AFAIK it is something like a 20 year jail term they're facing for this.

Would be interesting if the Basque region starts making moves too... Italy has its own issues too with two northern regions - IIRC the region around Venice has a majority in favour of independence and to be fair they perhaps have more in common with the likes of Austria, Switzerland and Southern Germany etc..
2 Sep 2017
Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia

Spain/Catalonia - how will this end up........?

Catalonia is a good sign in general that people are seeking more and more intensely the absolutel justice and what they really deserve. If people of Catalonia are dissatisfied with Spain, then they have only one choice - to take on their own way.

On the other hand, Syria and Libya are victims of the evil western military lobbies.

Chechoslovakia is a victim of its own stupidity.

Yugoslavia, well, the "nations" who once formed the Federation, are too different and they can't live together.
If they dislike their government then change it by law or by force, if they have any.
They want to change the governement in Madrid. How do you propose that to happen? Technically impossible.
2 Sep 2017
Crimea was annexed by the Russians and then they ran a potentially very dodgy poll. Russia took Crimea against international law. That’s different to a region deciding itself to declare independence... UDIs aren’t illegal under interntional law... annexing a region of a country is.

Not quite :D

One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

Every sane local in Crimea would prefer to live with Russia, actually large part of Ukraine are ethnic Russians or speak Russian language as mother tongue. The only way for them is to join the Motherland. It's better for them and you MUST RESPECT their choice ;)

I know that it is against your national interests, but that's life. Just accept it ;)
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Not quite :D

One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

Every sane local in Crimea would prefer to live with Russia, actually large part of Ukraine are ethnic Russians or speak Russian language as mother tongue. The only way for them is to join the Motherland. It's better for them and you MUST RESPECT their choice ;)

I know that it is against your national interests, but that's life. Just accept it ;)

You seem to be a smart person, argue the above in a legal and constitutional way.

Not feelings.

It’s a world of law and order, not “I feel like I want to live there”.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Catalonia is a good sign in general that people are seeking more and more intensely the absolutel justice and what they really deserve. If people of Catalonia are dissatisfied with Spain, then they have only one choice - to take on their own way.

On the other hand, Syria and Libya are victims of the evil western military lobbies.

Chechoslovakia is a victim of its own stupidity.

Yugoslavia, well, the "nations" who once formed the Federation, are too different and they can't live together.

They want to change the governement in Madrid. How do you propose that to happen? Technically impossible.

Technically impossible it is, then suck it up, life isn’t fair. This is what happens when they lost a civil war from yester year, or start a new civil war if they want it that badly?
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
On the other hand, Syria and Libya are victims of the evil western military lobbies.

Libya I have no idea but Syria was likely to boil over eventually any way - they took in too many people from different walks of life escaping other troubles (not all of which are rooted in Western influences) in the surrounding regions who were never going to manage to find a compromise.
29 Jan 2008
Technically impossible it is, then suck it up, life isn’t fair. Or start a civil war if they want it that badly?

Why does it have to be suck it upon or start a civil war? Why not the current approach - surely this declaration is better than starting a civil war?
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Why does it have to be suck it upon or start a civil war? Why not the current approach - surely this declaration is better than starting a civil war?

A declaration is illegal, i already said if they can do it legally then do the legal route. The last resort is civil war, obviously.

The current approach is a dead end, you know you just can’t declare independence, that’s not how it works.
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