Anyone watching the TT this week?

McGuinness showing he is back on form again. Amazing riding by him today to take his 18th win.

Creditable second for Donald and Anstey did well too and it must have been frustrating for Guy Martin to have tyre troubles just when he didn't need them. I imagine that problematic rear spindle has had a good kicking up and down Douglas prom tonight. :p

Good first day, excellent racing so far. Just wish I was there!!. :)
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I'm sorry if I sound ungrateful, but that coverage was utter ****. They made the racing look boring and it looked like the on board shots were filmed on a calculator...

I'm hoping Steve Parish will be back after the weekend when the MotoGP is over?

EDIT: I forgot to mention the 12mins of ad breaks!

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McGuinness showing he is back on form again. Amazing riding by him today to take his 18th win.

Creditable second for Donald and Anstey did well too and it must have been frustrating for Guy Martin to have tyre troubles just when he didn't need them. I imagine that problematic rear spindle has had a good kicking up and down Douglas prom tonight. :p

Good first day, excellent racing so far. Just wish I was there!!. :)
Agreed thought McGuiness had a solid ride there... and Donald pushed him, however the others were dropping back every lap, thought Anstey was well out of it, then he came on strong. Was entertaining that... some of those speeds,incredible.
Coverage isn't the greatest, I admit. But we don't exactly have a choice in the matter. If you want to watch it - that's yer lot.

Considering it is one of if not the the most anticipated road race on the annual 2 wheel calendar it beggars belief that it A) Doesn't get a live slot and B) Doesn't get more exposure and a better TV slot instead of being tucked away on iTV4 ( admittedly its HD ). But then again us two wheel fans have always played second fiddle to our ridiculously boring and dull 4 wheel motorsport cousins.
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ah, guessing ITV4 HD is Sky/Virgin only? We only have ITV1 HD on Freeview. :(

The picture was so pixelated at times I couldn't even tell who was who.
Yeah, picture quality was perfect in HD - some awesome on-board footage. Could have done without that first segment about the course inspection though - took up valuable motorbike time!

I wonder if it's to do with Duke, who are a sponsor and presumably make a lot of money out of post race DVD & bluray sales so might not want to give too much TV coverage away?
Coverage isn't the greatest, I admit. But we don't exactly have a choice in the matter. If you want to watch it - that's yer lot.

Considering it is one of if not the the most anticipated road race on the annual 2 wheel calendar it beggars belief that it A) Doesn't get a live slot and B) Doesn't get more exposure and a better TV slot instead of being tucked away on iTV4 ( admittedly its HD ). But then again us two wheel fans have always played second fiddle to our ridiculously boring and dull 4 wheel motorsport cousins.

I do agree that the allocated time to this once a year spectacle is shockingly poor but I can't see it changing anytime soon......hell, how long has the UK leg of the WRC been running and that is still poorly shown. :mad:
McGuinness showing he is back on form again. Amazing riding by him today to take his 18th win.

Creditable second for Donald and Anstey did well too and it must have been frustrating for Guy Martin to have tyre troubles just when he didn't need them. I imagine that problematic rear spindle has had a good kicking up and down Douglas prom tonight. :p

Good first day, excellent racing so far. Just wish I was there!!. :)

now up to 19 wins after the superstocks
If you haven't watched TT3d either rent it on blinkbox or get it on dvd/blu-ray it's an awesome watch!

Just want to echo this comment. For what ever reason I totally forgot to watch this film when it came out. Then I went to Afghan, and forgot about it completely. However, I managed to get ahold of it the other night and watched it.

It's simply amazing, and I would recommend anyone who's into bikes, or even just the TT, to watch this film. Some amazing footage on there.

My friend who has very little interest in sports bikes (He rides massive cruiser bikes) was dubious about watching it, but in the end was totally blow away.
At least 3-4 years though... unless he has a storming week some point... will see tomorrow lol.

However, nicely done today... I'm waiting for supersport round 2 tomorrow, especially if raining, should be mad lol
To be fair, the 600's didnt get going til 6.15 nevermind finishing so cant imagine they'd have got near editting it in time.
I have a few questions about the TT. Keep meaning to go as I am sure it is a great atmosphere and brilliant to watch.

How do they stop all the residents in the Isle Of Man NOT using there cars on the roads where the races are taking place. Like, 'forgetting' and driving down your drive onto the race roads.

Plus stopping people walking on the race road as it is such a big area the race track covers.

Also do they actually race one another around the track. Or is it basically just fastest around the track/lap time?

Thank you.

PS: Guy Martin has some awesome side burns.
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