Anyone went 1440p/4k and is unimpressed?

I reckon 1440p is the sweetspot now with the current gen especially with 144hz.
Haven't tried 4k though so can't compare 100%.
When 1080p first hit the scene, the wise money kept away from it. If you look at the earlier 1080p monitors or TVs from the mid 2000s, you will know that they absolutely suck by today's standards and if you bought one back then, you will know how extortionately expensive they were compared with modern day high end panels. Same thing will apply to 4K without a shadow of a doubt.

I know what you mean, but the answer isn't always to just hang on and wait.

I bought a 4K monitor at c. £380, and I've been using it every single day for about 8 months now. Mainly for desktop work, although the gaming side of it is very enjoyable as well.

Admittedly it's not perfect, and I'm sure in a few months it will be possible to get IPS and G-Sync for the same price, and later on probably 120 Hz as well, but at the same time I'll have been using it for a year.
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i agree and all, but you forget, if it weren't for these "OCD types" that plow money into every new tech/venture, we wouldn't get every new tech/venture , as its that initial money that's been plowed into whatever new tech it may be, that funds the rest of its development , which makes it cheaper for the rest of us.

Uhh no, we are naught but market share, real profit comes from medium to low range, funnily enough.

Small yield, high priced items are simply PR.
Uhh no, we are naught but market share, real profit comes from medium to low range, funnily enough.

Small yield, high priced items are simply PR.

And without you types buying their PR we would not have the rest, so he is still right even if he came at it from the right direction, world needs idiots to buy the inflated crap, talk a lot about it so the rest can buy the sensible stuff!!
The vertical space on 1080p is terrible. I found it galling to go from 16:10 1680x1050 to 16:9 1920x1080 but at the time I wanted to upgrade 1920x1200 16:10 screens were rare and premium. When the first lot of 1440 IPS screens came along I jumped right on that bandwagon and have been very happy with it for the last 3.5 years. It's an exciting time for monitors, some new tech is coming out and I'm prb going to get a 140 super-wide when the right one comes along.
What is it like as a 4K TV?

Nice actually. Was just looking to buy a normal TV (as in 1080p) when I was told of someone in financial dire straights and looking to sell a TV asap. Imagine my surprise when I found out it's 4k!

Not that I'm aware of any 4k content out there so :p
This has been a really interesting thread. I'm currently running a 1080p 28" AOC with an r9 290 / I7 @ 4.6ghz. I can run pretty much most games at 1080 with max/ultra settings with no frame rate issues. I've been thinking about moving to either 1400 or 4k but its a bit of a minefield at the moment. I really want to try freesynch/gsync but really wish they were open standards that worked with both AMD and NVidia cards - as a consumer I don't want to buy a freesynch monitor and then be stuck without the choice to buy an Nvidia card at a later date without changing my monitor (or just using it without that feature). I think AMD & NVidia should get together and sort this out because I think they would both generate more sales for the synch tech without forcing people into blindly buying one or the other monitors. Sorry if I've ranted a bit off topic but I've been thinking about getting a 980Ti in the future once the prices come down (or they are available 2nd hand). I think my only current option is to go with a high spec 1400 / superwide with a good refresh rate for V-Synch (screen tearing drives me mad).
you picked up a budget 4k tv to play pc games no wonder you were left unimpressed. your ips monitor will be better for that. Try a 4k ips monitor

Nah mate, funny that you should mention an IPS panel. One caught my eye today when I was in my local computer store. It was an Asus 27' (4k). Looked really good but truth be told, so did the 27' 1080p next to it.

Like I said, I didn't go out looking for a 4k gaming monitor, I went looking for a TV and had a go using it as a 4k monitor.
I have to say moving from 24" 1080p to 27" 1440p was one of the biggest upgrades to my gaming experience ever. I don't notice it so much now as I got used to it years ago, but I can see the difference when I look at a 1080p screen.

Also I don't like running my PC on the 1080p 42" TV cos it just looks awful, especially on the desktop even from sitting on the sofa. Films and games look OK but it really stands out on the desktop/browsing. This is where 4k would make the difference but I'm not willing to pay more than £300 for a TV, I don't even watch TV.

On the SLI point, I like it. When I last had to make these decision I went for the 4GB version GTX 680 knowing I would SLI later, I actually got laughed at by someone for 'wasting my money' even though it was my first upgrade since the GTX295. Now years down the line I have another in SLI and can run new titles on as near as maxxed out as makes any difference @ 1440p.
You're not unimpressed, you just made the mistake of not having a system to decently perform @ 4k and are misplacing your judgments on it.

Also, are you really running 1080p on a 4k monitor? I'm not familiar with any sort of scaling tech but won't that look extremely ugly compared to native?

No, I'm using 1080p on my Asus 27' monitor. I plugged the PC in to the TV to use it as a 4k monitor which didn't pan out too well. So I unplugged it again and went back to my PC monitor.

Hope this clears things up
Uhh no, we are naught but market share, real profit comes from medium to low range, funnily enough.

Small yield, high priced items are simply PR.

You're right about the small yield products being PR, but a lot of products require customers who are willing to push the envelope (and fork out for it) to justify making the engineering investment in the first place.

G-Sync is a good example of that - if no-one was willing to pay more than £20 over the price of a standard monitor for a 144Hz G-Sync, then none of the manufacturers would have invested in making it happen until it was mainstream and an expectation.
So I've been thinking about this about recently. I have a 1440p screen as you can see in my sig. However when the other half is away I tend to play on my TV screen on the sofa (it's easier with the dog as she will happily sit beside but can't fit on the computer chair with me. She has tried!). I noticed I was getting a lot less problems largely because I was switching crossfire off so I got my old 1080p 120hz screen from upstairs and have set it up instead. Now it's only 60hz as I can't find my dvi cable but at the moment I might just stick with it and sell one of the gpus and the screen. The ease of everything more than makes up for any loss of picture quality (which I don't really notice so far, maybe witcher 3 a bit). There have been many nights where I've spent the evening getting a game to work only to then have no time to play it and get a whole new issue next time! This seems like the way to go. At least for me
I'm using the 40" Philips 4k monitor paired with x2 980ti in SLI & have to disagree.

Coming from 1080p the difference is immense, clearly it helps not having to turn down settings & a monitor is preferable to a TV usually.
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So I've been thinking about this about recently. I have a 1440p screen as you can see in my sig. However when the other half is away I tend to play on my TV screen on the sofa (it's easier with the dog as she will happily sit beside but can't fit on the computer chair with me. She has tried!). I noticed I was getting a lot less problems largely because I was switching crossfire off so I got my old 1080p 120hz screen from upstairs and have set it up instead. Now it's only 60hz as I can't find my dvi cable but at the moment I might just stick with it and sell one of the gpus and the screen. The ease of everything more than makes up for any loss of picture quality (which I don't really notice so far, maybe witcher 3 a bit). There have been many nights where I've spent the evening getting a game to work only to then have no time to play it and get a whole new issue next time! This seems like the way to go. At least for me


Heresy around here to go saying things like that. Naturally what you need is a GTX 980 ti configuration, running in Sli!

"That will be £1100 sir, thankyou very much have a nice day!"
"See you again next year for more of the same"
"thanks, bye!"
I'm using the 40" Philips 4k monitor paired with x2 980ti in SLI & have to disagree.

Coming from 1080p the difference is immense, clearly it helps not having to turn down settings & a monitor is preferable to a TV usually.

Do you manage to keep a constant 60fps with no framedrops? The main issue I have is when I'm gaming and suddenly the framerate dips; especially seeing as the TVs don't have G-Sync.

Heresy around here to go saying things like that. Naturally what you need is a GTX 980 ti configuration, running in Sli!

"That will be £1100 sir, thankyou very much have a nice day!"
"See you again next year for more of the same"
"thanks, bye!"

Haha it is a bit heretical. I went from xfire 7950s @ 1080p to xfire 290s @ 1440p and I really don't think it was a good decision. For most of the time I've had them either temps or drivers have stopped me using both cards. Ive sorted temps by watercooling and now the drivers are just becoming such a pain. I don't remember the 7950s being anywhere near this much work. It's more this that's put me off 1440p than anything really.

That said I would happily switch to a 980ti but apparently money has to go on things like the wedding now......

Heresy around here to go saying things like that. Naturally what you need is a GTX 980 ti configuration, running in Sli!

"That will be £1100 sir, thankyou very much have a nice day!"
"See you again next year for more of the same"
"thanks, bye!"

Funny, but you seem like the most vocal regarding opinion on whether it's worth it - and not even to yourself but Other people!

Nobody here with 4k is trying to imply anything about people who don't run 4k yet you are making out that people who make that choice are silly.

I got a nice rig, yes maybe it was 'expensive' but I don't consider it a silly way to spend my money. I earn enough to buy what I want and not have to second guess myself.

Edit: wait, you're the homophobe who finds it offensive that some games have gay characters aren't you?
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