Anyone went 1440p/4k and is unimpressed?

I have 4k, I couldnt go back. Tried the Asus ROG Swift once it was horrible. Went back to 4k. Oh sorry UHD not 4k.
True you need to spend the money but I am not going to justify my purchase with it being expensive its my money I can spend what I like. If certain people think its utterly pointless or cras then they are entitled to their opinion.
Right now back to Dying Light in 4k smooth as a baby's bum.
Edit: wait, you're the homophobe who finds it offensive that some games have gay characters aren't you?

Not offensive, political correctness making it's way into video games is just a big turn off for me. It bores me and annoys me. On that note, I quite enjoyed Big Gay Al and Mr Slave making an appearance in South Park, the Stick of Truth, so that proves that I can't be a homphobe, dunnit!?

Do I win the prize as OcUK's metrosexual of the month?
4K is awesome :D

You need a single GTX980 Ti or equalivent GPU power in demanding DX11 titles. The difference is noticeable but its not a value for money & or casual gamers hobby right now.

Nothing to do with justifying cost etc etc it is what it is you need at least 6 cores 12 threads & monster GPU setup unless your only playing DX9 based content & or undemanding or well optimised titles like Alien Isolation, Dark Souls 1 + 2.

I did however play Arkham Knight for 3 weeks on a single GTX 970 @ 4K its perfectly playable most of the time not super smooth but still way better than the crippled console experience ;)
Can't understand the appeal of 4k, just seems to bring problems with it. Not to mention you're going to be getting cack framerates unless you spend £2k on GPUs alone.
I'm on 1080p for a few reasons.

1) I hate dipping below 60fps on max settings
2) I hate dropping settings to achieve point 1
3) My PC is part of my home cinema which includes a 50" plasma 1080p

I will, eventually (once modern TV tech out performs plasma) upgrade to a 4:4:4 4k TV and a lovely 4k monitor. However, this won't happen within a year or three! And the 980ti that I have doesn't even cope well in 4k, even sli it struggles. So, GPU tech just isn't there at the moment.
I would love to have a monitor with a 200+ PPI but I just don't have the hardware to run games @ 4k and couldn't justify the cost in order to run games on mostly max settings @ 4k @ 60+ FPS and.... I don't want to go with more than 1 GPU, I just want a trouble free gaming experience and it seems to be 50/50 as to if games make proper usage of 2+ GPU's these days, I also don't want the extra heat, noise etc. either.

Whilst you can reduce settings to achieve the better fps @ 4k.... 4k cannot replace/add the shadow, water, particles & AO effects.

Also, from my experience, anything other the "native" res. of the display always looks awful.

IMO when it comes to monitors and what "wows" people, it has to be 21.9 aspect ratio/UW monitors, they just "immerse" you far more than any 16.9 display along with 144hz (the improved motion clarity it brings) + free/g sync tech. (the increased smoothness and screen tear free experience)

So yeah resolution isn't as important to me as the other stuff mentioned.
The same case for a few other games. 4k and it turns to a crawl. I tested for about an hour, gave up and went back to 1080p. If I bought this for 4k specifically I would've felt really really done over.

I've been happily playing at 4K for over a year, first on a 780 Ti and now on a Titan X.

Older games like Borderlands 2 look awesome at 4K and all the settings cranked right up. I had to drop settings on Tomb Raider to Medium / High on my 780 Ti but it looked great, and I can crank them right up on my Titan X.
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