I am having a issue with my X5 V7, I bought it from Overclockers last September and I have been really happy with it. In July I bought myself an Oculus Rift and initially it was fine until I bought the Talos principle for it. This game caused a number of BSoD (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION) occurrences that I couldn't fix by altering settings so I uninstalled it and wrote it off as a bad job. Ever since then I have seen a significant reduction in capability of the laptop. I am still experiencing BSoDs when gaming even when not in VR. Prior to getting VR I was playing Tomb raider (2013) in 4k with ultra settings and it didn't even get all that warm, now it is burning hot, randomly freezing and stuttering during game play and BSoD-ing. I have now completely uninstalled the Rift, which made no difference, followed the advice on the net and updated all my drivers and run several system scans, still no improvement. Finally I have used the F9 facility to reset the machine to factory settings and it is still performing in the same way.
I was hoping someone might be able to give me some advice on where to go next, I have not had much luck searching the net for similar posts/queries. I'm a worried something may have gone wrong physically... Also is there any reason why the X5 V7 might not be compatible with the rift? The specs are well within the minimum stated by Oculus.
Hi [USER=207460]@PandaMadness - Sorry to hear of your problem, we have spoken to R&D this morning,,,, can you please confirm;
1) - are there certain games this is happening with?
2) - have you installed any driver not from our Smart update utility?
3) - are you using any Peripheral devices like KB or mouse, and installed the drivers for those devices?
4) - Could you provide us the screen capture of Driver Update utility?
Please post answers and image, and we will endeavor to solve your problem.
I have the exact same problem with X5V7. Problem has been ongoing since early October or thereabouts. Has there been any word on what the cause of this is? I'm really wanting to avoid sending this off for repair for multiple weeks or months as I use the computer for work.