Yeah, i'm getting quite concerned that whilst what he said was great about certain machines being TN panels, but others being actually "IPS like". It wasn't clear to me which machines were what panels.
I ordered that spec machine because i wanted an "IPS" like Panel, especially not TN, so i'd like to understand (more clearly that is advertised on OCUK) which model has what panel.
Its looking more and more likely i'm going to have to get the 4k panel (which is only 60hz GSYNC) to get IPS/'IPS Like' panel. Which i find hard to swallow if that is the case, as thats another £500 more than i was expecting to spend based on what i saw in the description before i pre-ordered)
I'm hoping
@Atom80 can resolve these queries so I can go back to being a happy camper, but at the moment i'm nervous i'm going to have a really powerful laptop that i'll find the display quality being sub-standard to what i'm used to (i use a 1440p IPS desktop display at the moment)