Apple Store for Higher Education


Lucky you, that's all I can say! :)

Lucky or mad, I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping not to buy any sort of computer for a few years after buying it. That's a promise I've made to myself anyway but I'll no doubt get what is commonly known as EVH-fever.
Lucky or mad, I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping not to buy any sort of computer for a few years after buying it. That's a promise I've made to myself anyway but I'll no doubt get what is commonly known as EVH-fever.

Well with a spec like that you shouldn't struggle to go a few years on it! But I guess EVH-fever affects us all. As soon as there is a small upgrade, sell your current one and buy the new one! :D :p
:D I'm going to try and resist the urge to do exactly that. Although Apple always make it so difficult. The swines.

May let go of the MBP I have currently and get a new revision MacBook at the end of 2008 or start of 2009 - should it arise. Thus I appease my hardware need in some capacity.

Already thinking too far ahead of myself, another Apple-related side effect.
Mwuhahaha, you're bank manager must hate me Slogan ;)

I just upped my order to 2x Superdrives, now too, that's it though, no more upgrading until WWDC 2009 for me.
:D Two SuperDrives is the way to go!

Really is a shame the Mac Pro doesn't have an ir receiever though - would like it to run Front Row without having to buy additional hardware.
I'm already planning my next purchase.. the RAID card *hangs head in shame*

I haven't used Front Row all that much, but I see your point.. a small IR port would be easily conceiled behind the mesh.

Is dual CD importing (in iTunes) a possibility with 2x Superdrives? :D
Is dual CD importing (in iTunes) a possibility with 2x Superdrives? :D

Good question.

It certainly isn't do-able in Windows with two drives, I know.

You would hope it would do it in OS X and give the 8 cores a run out but I somehow doubt it.

And as for the RAID card. Shame on you.
Thats some serious spec and money, I'm sure it pays back x10 if it does the job.

Can someone on Uni connection kindly show me the prices of the iMac's please.
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