Apple unveils new iPod Shuffle

That's the whole point of the Shuffle - it's for active people ;)

That needs to press Morse code on their 'special' headphones cable to be able to skip song forward, backwards, change playlist e.t.c.

iPod Shuffle 2nd Gen is still the better Gym music buddy.
Looks like a step backwards in terms of simplicity, also £60 to buy then more for an adapter :O. Who even needs 4gb in a shuffle? I use less than half the capacity in my 1gb one.
i like th idea, but to pricey for what it is...... which is a 4gb mp3 player with no screen. looking on the web you can pay £12.99 for something that does the same but with drag and drop options. so mixed thoughts from me, i thought the shuffle at £33 was a fair price for a gym rat's music player. but £60 is that is the confirmed price is a little high
isnt working.

Pah. S'bin deleted.

I really don't see the point in this. It seems like a slimmed out shuffle without the buttons, and instead putting the buttons on an adapter. So rather than haing a wire coming from the shuffle attached to your shirt, you have a wire coming form your pocket, to the adapter attached to your shirt, to your headphones. Pointless.
That's utterly stupid. Anyone who cares remotely about sound quality will have to buy an adaptor.

Stupid stupid stuipd.
I disagree. Most people who buy a shuffle do so to either listen to while exercising or while traveling on public transport to work. They aren't worried about buying third party headphones, though if they need a replacement then Apple will make more money. Hardly stupid in my opinion. I doubt anyone looking for great sound quality is going to buy this.

As for the morse code click, I had a Panasonic personal cassette player that cost me in the region of £100 around 20 years ago. With that you had to do exactly the same, one click forward, two clicks back, also three clicks reverse play (turn over). It is convenient to have the controls on the cable, especially at the gym but also on the train in winter when pulling any portable audio device from your inner pocket in order to skip a track is a total pain.

Btw. I have never owned an ipod so I'm not being fanatical.
It's hideous!

Stupid design and the lack of controls on the actual device is so ludicrously stupid i can't begin to understand why they did it! What if i want to plug in the device to an external amplifier? I don't want to pay extra for an adapter. I'm still bitter having to buy a display port to DVI for my Unibody. Horrible thing!

What's with apple lately? Everything they have brought out has filled me with bewilderment. iMac with 9400m!? WTF!
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Maybe they will do the job you require of them better, but that's not to say there isn't a market or use for an ultra portable mp3 player with buttons on the headphone cable. As for price, yeah it's way expensive but people will buy it by the bucket load so who can blame Apple for taking their money.
Maybe they will do the job you require of them better, but that's not to say there isn't a market or use for an ultra portable mp3 player with buttons on the headphone cable. As for price, yeah it's way expensive but people will buy it by the bucket load so who can blame Apple for taking their money.

And I guess they made it so easy to lose so you will then buy another?

I know technology is getting smaller, but that's ridiculous. I'd forget where I put it.
That's utterly stupid. Anyone who cares remotely about sound quality will have to buy an adaptor.

Stupid stupid stuipd.

Hopefully they'll learn and the next gen shuffle will come with an adapter or better still with just a plain socket.
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