Apple unveils new iPod Shuffle

Seriously, how many Shuffle buyers are going to do this? The whole point is of being ultra portable.

Yeah, but being ultraportable also means it may be on your person more than say a big iPod. If you were going round your mates or showing something to someone and you wanted to play it on an external amp or hi fi you now have to bring along an adapter.

Maybe i feel this way due to being on a Sound Engineering course and the portability and replayability of the music on many different means is needed.
Maybe i feel this way due to being on a Sound Engineering course and the portability and replayability of the music on many different means is needed.
That's my point, people like you (and pretty much everyone reading this thread including myself) are not representative of the majority of people who buy shuffle's.

Maybe they should bring out a shuffle 'sound engineer edition' with 3.5" jacks. :)
I've had a 1st and 2nd gen shuffle - wanted one because of the size and because I didn't need a screen. I barely use it, but if I were to go on a train journey or go for a run I'd use it, and have done in the past.

I think the voice over is a bit primitive, but it's a nice touch.

This'll work for many people, but my 2nd gen is easier and fine for me.
There are cheaper players that do the job so much better. Controls and screen too.

Did you have one of those Goodmans or Bush Walkman ripoffs when you were younger? ;)

Cool comes and a prices and cheapskates can't enter. Oh no but Apple are so way overpriced and all that! :D
Did you have one of those Goodmans or Bush Walkman ripoffs when you were younger? ;)

Cool comes and a prices and cheapskates can't enter. Oh no but Apple are so way overpriced and all that! :D

Yeah because I need to have all the trendy names on everything I own.

Why, even my penis was bought on a bargain rail at Primark.
Did you have one of those Goodmans or Bush Walkman ripoffs when you were younger? ;)

Cool comes and a prices and cheapskates can't enter. Oh no but Apple are so way overpriced and all that! :D

See this is where you (and all the other middle aged IT professionals :D) get lost.. You're under the false assumption money buys you style ;)
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I'll stick to my Sony NW-E003. Does the job if I need an MP3 player on the go. It seems ridiculously expensive now though, I bought my 2GB version 3 years ago for £25, now it's £60 for a 1GB version.
It's aimed at the gym rats, yet the standard Apple buds are pathetic during workouts.

Thus, if you want headphones that don't fall out of you ears at the slightest whiff of movement you'll be buying the adapter.

I can't see many people liking this..
I was bought this for my birthday at the weekend. It's awesome.

The first iPod I've used that I've liked.
Nice one Gilly, now the next step is to switch you over to a mac! :p
It's aimed at the gym rats, yet the standard Apple buds are pathetic during workouts.

Thus, if you want headphones that don't fall out of you ears at the slightest whiff of movement you'll be buying the adapter.

I can't see many people liking this..

Speaking of headphones, have there been any 3rd party ones such as the V-Moda (which I did have before the b0rked) that allow you to change the track etc?
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