I doubt anyone will care, heck, even I don't but this is interesting - http://mynokiablog.com/2012/09/12/r...ipod-nano-looks-like-nokia-lumia-twitter-too/
They didn't innovate
I doubt anyone will care, heck, even I don't but this is interesting - http://mynokiablog.com/2012/09/12/r...ipod-nano-looks-like-nokia-lumia-twitter-too/
Doubtful anything will come of it though. Nokia need MS to help save them with the WP8 phone. MS and Apple are in bed together (for now).
What are you on about?
I doubt anyone will care, heck, even I don't but this is interesting - http://mynokiablog.com/2012/09/12/r...ipod-nano-looks-like-nokia-lumia-twitter-too/
Ummm here
Also, Apple and MS have a cross licensing agreements just now but, interestingly, Apple ensured there were conditions to stop MS from simply releasing iPhone/iPad clones yet Apple now do similar...
I like it!
Samsung's latest silly advert -
http://i.imgur.com/NTi8s.jpg[ /IMG]
Yeah, that'll stop Apple suing you. :p[/QUOTE]
Thats the best way to do it IMO. Tackle them head on
Does it matter what lawyers say?