Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones

Pinch to zoom and tap to zoom will have to be removed or they'll be taken off the shelf. Now idea how this effects Google because those two features are in all of their phones.

How do FRAND patents come about? Is it possible for some of these patents to be forced to be changed to FRAND?
It totaly depends on wht patents were broke and upheld. We need more information, which won't be out until at least tomorrow.

The first verdicts out of Apple vs. Samsung are in, covering claims 19, 8, and 50 of the so-called '381, '915, and '163 software patents, respectively — those are the patents that cover "bounce back" scrolling functionality, pinch-to-zoom, and tap-to-zoom. Did Samsung infringe, according to the jury?

For claim 19 of '381, the answer is yes for all devices.

For claim 8 of '915, the answer is yes for all but the Ace, Intercept, and Replenish.

For claim 50 of '163, the answer is yes for all but the Captivate, Continuum, Gem, Indulge, Nexus S 4G, Transform, Intercept, and Vibrant.
Well pinch and zoom is an aspect of the OS, so the software infringement is going to be on all the handsets that have an OS which has the feature, I've only used GB to JB and my GB had it.
Meh, they really are the most pathetic company ever, they may win the case in court but people are getting ****ed at what they are doing (even some of the ones that like Apple) and are refusing to buy their products now due to their stupid patents "has a rectangle shape, is thin, light, oh and we have icons, which use certain symbols like a music note, ZOMG!!! Sue everyone who dares to copy our unique features!!!!" :rolleyes:

Apple don't innovate at all and they haven't for a while and most likely won't until their sales decrease completely or/and they go bankrupt again and Microsoft will probably bail them out again (let's hope they don't! :p). Can't wait to see the the iphone 5 and how much of it will be more or less the same as the 4s......
You have to imagine they'll go after every Android smart phone manufacturer in every region now they've got this ammunition behind them :(

I doubt any other region have a jury as stupid as america but it is scary :S, I was 100% sure after they brought those old school devices using the same exact thing I thought it would be thrown out for sure.
Meh, they really are the most pathetic company ever, they may win the case in court but people are getting ****ed at what they are doing (even some of the ones that like Apple) and are refusing to buy their products now due to their stupid patents "has a rectangle shape, is thin, light, oh and we have icons, which use certain symbols like a music note, ZOMG!!! Sue everyone who dares to copy our unique features!!!!" :rolleyes:

Except that just isnt the case, they increased there sales yet again in the USA last qaurter. Infant they gained market share and android lost 6% market share last quarter in the USA.

The people who care are a tiny minority on such forums as these, the public really doesn't care. It's no different to the "hate " that Microsoft use to get in its patent wars of the late 90s and we all know how that affected the sales.
Except that just isnt the case, they increased there sales yet again in the USA last qaurter. Infant they gained market share and android lost 6% market share last quarter in the USA.

The people who care are a tiny minority on such forums as these, the public really doesn't care. It's no different to the "hate " that Microsoft use to get in its patent wars of the late 90s and we all know how that affected the sales.

The numbers I saw for last quarter showed that apples sells dipped and was way under expectation due to everyone waiting for the iPhone 5.
Meh, they really are the most pathetic company ever, they may win the case in court but people are getting ****ed at what they are doing (even some of the ones that like Apple) and are refusing to buy their products now due to their stupid patents "has a rectangle shape, is thin, light, oh and we have icons, which use certain symbols like a music note, ZOMG!!! Sue everyone who dares to copy our unique features!!!!" :rolleyes:

Apple don't innovate at all and they haven't for a while and most likely won't until their sales decrease completely or/and they go bankrupt again and Microsoft will probably bail them out again (let's hope they don't! :p). Can't wait to see the the iphone 5 and how much of it will be more or less the same as the 4s......

You just described my Sony W880i.
Source please because everything I read said Android gained market share last quarter in the US.
They gained markets hare world wide.
Or perhaps it was q1-q2 stats you had.

Wait, have I read this right. There were 700 patent question that they have had to decide on and they took only 2 days to come up with a verdict for them all?!
Thanks. Interesting bit of info that. It maybe that I was not looking at isolated Q2 stats then

What's more interesting is despite a drop in sales, apple was the only one that grew.

Blackberry is abut to go extinct. We all know windows is releasing new Os and phones. But I haven't heard anything from blackberry recently. What are they doing?
Re: pinch to zoom

Some handset/software providers already license it (Microsoft being the obvious one ) , Cook offered Samsung the chance to license it.. They showed Apple the finger so to speak.

So no it won't mean all android handsets will be banned, not even close, Samsung just has to pay or come up with another idea (such as a zoom in toggle with slide up on the screen to go in, down to zoom out)

Not a pretty work around, but it does the job.

Equally the bounce back patent, MS license it as do some Android providers, IIRC the Nexus 7 uses a different method all together. Samsung too can come up with a different idea - hell why not just copy Googles idea? I'm sure they will let them considering.

Re: multitouch in general - remember Apple were working and applying for patents in this area as early as 02/03. Patents are just granted really slowly, it's entirely possible other phones with this functions launched before the iPhone technically infringe on Apples patent. It's situations like this the court has to differentiate between infringing and wilfull infringing.
What's more interesting is despite a drop in sales, apple was the only one that grew.

Blackberry is abut to go extinct. We all know windows is releasing new Os and phones. But I haven't heard anything from blackberry recently. What are they doing?

I suspect that's the new ipad making an impact more than the iphone as people will be waiting on the new iphone to upgrade or buy one.
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