Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones

I tend to find the people that are the most vocal against patents and copyright are the ones that have never invented anything worth protecting themselves.. :/
That's not really a fair argument. I'm a software engineer, my income is pretty much solely derived from writing software, but i think that copyright terms should be severely reduced and that software patents in general are a bad idea. This court case actually had me pretty conflicted, because I strongly dislike that Apple could patent something as small as the bounce-back feature, but I do feel that Samsung wholescale ripped off Apple and there should be redress for that.
I agree a bit with Capitano!

I think that it's pretty obvious that Samsung copied Apple's products, and they should be punished for that. Who knew all the 'anti' Apple fans were using basically an Apple product in disguise.
What exactly did Samsung copy? Pretty sure I had seen all those features before in some shape or form, and apple certainly copied plenty :)?
Samsung specifically changed many, many parts of Android to look and behave more like Apple's products. For example, they made the launcher paginate horizontally instead of scroll vertically, they added the static row at the bottom of the screen, they put in a prominent home button and made the other standard Android buttons hidden when asleep, they changed the icons to look more like iOS icons. Hell, there's a 170 page document written by Samsung that's basically page after page of "do what Apple does".
Of course a cure for cancer will be patented :confused: As it should be, there needs to be economic rewards for whoever finds it.

So what if someone finds one almost identical but produces slightly better results, in a US court it would probably be banned from the US
Im not liking the way they are Monopolising the industry.

I dont deny for one second that they build quality products and provide good customer care. But the way in which they are aggressively suing companies and behaving unfairly is a joke.

This is going to have a negative impact on technological advances. Companies are going to be too scared to go up against Apple for fear of being sued. Apple will dictate product cycles and slow down things.
Samsung specifically changed many, many parts of Android to look and behave more like Apple's products. For example, they made the launcher paginate horizontally instead of scroll vertically, they added the static row at the bottom of the screen, they put in a prominent home button and made the other standard Android buttons hidden when asleep, they changed the icons to look more like iOS icons. Hell, there's a 170 page document written by Samsung that's basically page after page of "do what Apple does".

So how far do you go? Was there patents on having the numbers on a touch screen, or having a keyboard touch screen as opposed to using multiple presses of the numbers? Or having a phone enabled with bluetooth/wifi anything? I'm pretty naive with this stuff as is probably evident but 1 billion in damages over simply going with what works better and adding to it is what people have been doing for years with every product ever?
Apple are a horrible company. Remember the days when they used to claim to be bullied by the big dogs like Microsoft. Now look what's happening.

Quite ironic really as the main reason they're here today is because Microsoft invested so much in them in 1997.
I won't buy an apple product, not because of the silly law suits. Because their products are over-priced crap and you can buy better for your money. Not to mention the locked down mum and dad nature of them.

[I'm posting this on my Samsung S3]
in other news, ford planning on suing all car makers using a 4 wheeled design.

ludicrous decision.

Whilst some patents such as pinch to zoom are obvious some are not. It's ok saying its 'ludicrous' but Samsung have blankety copied Apple. I suppose in your world that's OK?
Im not liking the way they are Monopolising the industry.

I dont deny for one second that they build quality products and provide good customer care. But the way in which they are aggressively suing companies and behaving unfairly is a joke.

This is going to have a negative impact on technological advances. Companies are going to be too scared to go up against Apple for fear of being sued. Apple will dictate product cycles and slow down things.

How are they monopolizing teh market?
Android has bigger market share.

Samsung clearly infringed apples patents on purpose. It's really no surprise they won at all.

The only difference in other countries, will be if apple patents are over turned. Not whether Samsung copied as they clearly did.
I am wondering if Samsung will retaliate when their contracts with Apple end by refusing to supply them with things. I know apple have tried to partner with other companies but have always had inferior products for the parts they're provided by Samsung. Hopefully in the long run this will come back to bite Apple. They deserve it for being so ridiculously anti-competitive.
I am wondering if Samsung will retaliate when their contracts with Apple end by refusing to supply them with things. I know apple have tried to partner with other companies but have always had inferior products for the parts they're provided by Samsung. Hopefully in the long run this will come back to bite Apple. They deserve it for being so ridiculously anti-competitive.

Why on earth would they refuse to supply to them :confused:
Another great reason why I would NEVER buy an Apple product, what with this and their crappy stance on environmental standards I wouldn't touch one of their products if I was paid!
Apple suck!

I've actually visited one of Samsung's factories in the Republic of Korea. The smog and smell was incredible. Some companies (i.e. Nokia) do have a better environmental record than Apple. Samsung certainly isn't one of them though.
In Jobs' world it's OK.



If stealing wasn't ok, then you would not have android or win8rt tablets.
Stealing like this is of course fine.
What you can't do and is protect by law is use other people's patents.

But again there is nothing stopping you copying other people's ideas to a certain degree, this is common sense.
What about inventions that are so important?

A cure to cancer, what do you say about patenting that?

The problem is in the real world drugs companies wouldn't spend billions in investment trying to find a cure if they didn't have a fair chance of recovering the expense. Meanwhile companies that have spent nothing on the r&d would get a free ride/profit.

You have to weigh the required investment against a fair reward or it just won't happen in the first place.
So much this.

I call for a boycott of apple products.


When you take the cover off an iPhone, it's essentially all Samsung inside. Just pack it in, both of you (Apple and Samsung). The court costs used in suing each other's asses off could have gone somewhere useful like providing phones for under-funded police forces, or charity, or 3rd world.
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