Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones

I honestly didn't care either way and still don't. lol You can't honestly believe somebody on a forum would hate a person they never actually met that much?

I'm just sick of Apple using the legal system to bolster their profits.

I'm equally as annoyed with Google's pacifist approach. Where are all of the patents pre-Apple?

Who holds all of the patents for cell technology at a grass roots level? Where are they in all of this.

I just remember the mobile market pre-iPhone and it wasn't as bad as Steve Jobs painted it out to be.

The so called evolution of the mobile was in bloom beforehand. The 3GS was useless and the iPhone 4 wasn't exactly amazing.

My problem isn't with your opinion, per se, it's the manner in which you're mocking someone who died from cancer. It's the kind of thing I'd expect a dumb, retarded idiot to do, not someone who should be more intelligent. Am I giving you too much credit perhaps?

You can dislike Steve Jobs and think he was an idiot all you want - that's fair enough - but you've crossed into bizarre/obsessive hater territory that really has no place in discussions such as these.

I also do take note of the fact you (and others) ignore the evidence that Glaucus continually posts. If you're going to hate Apple for this, you've got to hate HTC/Samsung/Nokia/everyone else as well, people are just upset because Apple are the best at it, just like they are with marketing.
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Clearly not :D It's big news in the tech industry anyway, there are bound to be threads everywhere about it.

My own take is that the only people truly winning out of the patent dispute are the lawyers. Be interested to know just how many millions they were paid.

Having owned the first generation iPhone for 3 years (pretty much from release) and gone on to a Samsung Galaxy S, I know which handset manufacturer I now prefer and will be sticking with.

Well, it's quite irritating to have to trawl through the 'Apple are scum' nonsensical bile that people who don't understand the patent system love to post. One thread is bad enough!

As for my take on the situation, Samsung have blatantly ripped off Apple in some situations, most notably the original Galaxy S and the design of TouchWiz.

All these companies have lawsuits open with each other most of the time, however Apple seem to have understood and used the patent system better than anyone else, and now they're pretty much drawing fire from the usual suspects for it, but it won't affect their real world reputation; it's worse for Samsung if anything.

Apple have legal confirmation that Samsung have copied them - even in situations where they haven't necessarily done so.
My problem isn't with your opinion, per se, it's the manner in which you're mocking someone who died from cancer. It's the kind of thing I'd expect a dumb, retarded idiot to do, not someone who should be more intelligent. Am I giving you too much credit perhaps?

You can dislike Steve Jobs and think he was an idiot all you want - that's fair enough - but you've crossed into bizarre/obsessive hater territory that really has no place in discussions such as these.

I also do take note of the fact you (and others) ignore the evidence that Glaucus continually posts. If you're going to hate Apple for this, you've got to hate HTC/Samsung/Nokia/everyone else as well, people are just upset because Apple are the best at it, just like they are with marketing.

Ofcourse they are the best at it. They have more money to commit to such things. That isn't a surprise.

They could have bought the jury for $100m and not blinked, that is the difference.

I compare Apple's actions to that of an Oil tycoons white collar son in the docks for brutal rape, discrediting the victim and pocket washing the jury.

No time was spent actually analysing the evidence in this case. None. Zilch.

They monopolised themselves into a position of absolution.
My friend says that Samsung has done a counter law suit to apple about they invented 3g now.

Unfortunately for Samsung they won't really win. They do hold certain 3G licenses.

But it's under fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory" (FRAND) terms.
Which means they have to sale it on fair terms, something apple denies they are denying and if the figures are real. Then there's no way Samsung will win as they are by no means fair.

Patents aren't worth equal amounts.

Apple has the best patent portfolio in the industry. It's not the largest, it's by no means essential (but that doesn't matter) but it holds many that are deemed the best way of doing things.
Now you're just being silly... :confused:

How odd. I also note your use of such terms as 'brutal rape', just what... bizarre.

I think you need to calm down and join the rest of us on planet earth...
Well, it's quite irritating to have to trawl through the 'Apple are scum' nonsensical bile that people who don't understand the patent system love to post. One thread is bad enough!

Don't panic,it is all balanced out by the more pro-Apple forums which can be just as bad too. Nobody is forcing you to trawl through the threads though??

I am sure if Samsung wins some major disputes in the future,it will be cheating Samsung are scum too on those forums! :)
I am sure if Samsung wins some major disputes in the future,it will be cheating Samsung are scum too! :)

I doubt it, not to the same level anyway.
Seeing as few apple fan boys visit the "android" forum and the main posters like me and Robbo, will side with either depending on the circumstances.
Yet still often get called fan boy.
Don't panic,it is all balanced out by the more pro-Apple forums. Nobody is forcing you to trawl through the threads though??

I am sure if Samsung wins some major disputes in the future,it will be cheating Samsung are scum too! :)

I generally don't visit 'pro Apple' forums for this very reason. People are generally quite level headed on here but when it comes to certain subjects some of them completely lose the plot!
Now you're just being silly... :confused:

How odd. I also note your use of such terms as 'brutal rape', just what... bizarre.

I think you need to calm down and join the rest of us on planet earth...

So how's that iPhone 4S working out for you?

I'm taking this conversation about as seriously as the jury in that case did.
Reading from the patents does really show how ridiculous the law has got, had these kind of enforcement existed in the 1970s and 80s and Apple would have never made it to the mid 80s. Totally the wrong kind of regulation of the market.
This is


Because it encourages Apple and other companies to continuously engage in prohibitive patent litigation. If companies know they can win up to a BILLION dollars, they will attempt to sue all the time. This is quite possibly the worst ruling of the last ten years for phones and similar devices.

Quite frankly, this is ridiculous and I pour nothing but scorn on Apple and those who support this ruling, who are inadvertently supporting monopolistic practices that stifle innovation and creativity.
Samsung should respond in kind by no longer manufacturing parts for Apple products.

He may have lived longer if he didn't dedicate so much of his time dictating how people should orientate their lives through technological advancement. "Don't like flash"... " dictate thermonuclear war on Android".... the list goes on.

Now he's gone, the companies ethos is derived upon his messiah preachings and practices so has worsened ten fold. They are actually a cult that needs culling.

That wouldn't be so much of an issue, if they didn't have the legal system in the world's biggest super power wrapped around their finger.

It's a dangerous precedent to set. It makes the Taco Bell of Demolition Man seem plausible in a different tense.

It's bad enough with Tesco taking up every vacant space that was once occupied by a free thinking independent store.

This ruling might actually be the end of Samsung as we know it and they are the biggest alternative to the establishment.
Gee's i don't like apple as a company but christ Arthur your one angry person coming out with some of the stuff you have and that you think it is ok is a bit more worrying. Apple have used the system in the US to their advantage is it moral or right no but it is legal and that is the problem. We cannot kick a company for exposing legal absurdities as this case has done this problem is a US one and they need to sort it out although i don't see that happening anytime soon.

From my perspective they are both as guilty as each other over the years all the tech companys have indulged in dodgy practices there isn't a single saint or sinner amongst them. I do think this trial was a joke and the jury couldn't see past US vs Korean. What problems will come from this we will have to wait and see although samsung no longer infringe the relevent patents so they will appeal lose again and then have to decide what to do.
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