I honestly didn't care either way and still don't. lol You can't honestly believe somebody on a forum would hate a person they never actually met that much?
I'm just sick of Apple using the legal system to bolster their profits.
I'm equally as annoyed with Google's pacifist approach. Where are all of the patents pre-Apple?
Who holds all of the patents for cell technology at a grass roots level? Where are they in all of this.
I just remember the mobile market pre-iPhone and it wasn't as bad as Steve Jobs painted it out to be.
The so called evolution of the mobile was in bloom beforehand. The 3GS was useless and the iPhone 4 wasn't exactly amazing.
My problem isn't with your opinion, per se, it's the manner in which you're mocking someone who died from cancer. It's the kind of thing I'd expect a dumb, retarded idiot to do, not someone who should be more intelligent. Am I giving you too much credit perhaps?
You can dislike Steve Jobs and think he was an idiot all you want - that's fair enough - but you've crossed into bizarre/obsessive hater territory that really has no place in discussions such as these.
I also do take note of the fact you (and others) ignore the evidence that Glaucus continually posts. If you're going to hate Apple for this, you've got to hate HTC/Samsung/Nokia/everyone else as well, people are just upset because Apple are the best at it, just like they are with marketing.