Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones

What would this change?

Samsung will lose one of their biggest customers. Apple will go to <insert company, probably in China>.

Samsung are one of just two companies in the world capable of manufacturing the panels used in the new iPad and (this is just an assumption) the upcoming iPhone 5. The other company's output can't match Apple's demands.

The threat of losing Apple more money than they would get from suing Samsung all the time would calm things down. Samsung can do just fine without producing Apple products, and it's also a matter of principle.
Thats a bit like saying BT retail and open-reach are different, when we all know the truth..

That's not true. Samsung Mobile and Samsung Semiconductor are different companies. Samsung Mobile have used all kinds of non-Samsung Semiconductor chips in their phones in the past! I've personally worked on Samsung phones using Qualcomm and Broadcom chips.
Gee's i don't like apple as a company but christ Arthur your one angry person coming out with some of the stuff you have and that you think it is ok is a bit more worrying. Apple have used the system in the US to their advantage is it moral or right no but it is legal and that is the problem. We cannot kick a company for exposing legal absurdities as this case has done this problem is a US one and they need to sort it out although i don't see that happening anytime soon.

From my perspective they are both as guilty as each other over the years all the tech companys have indulged in dodgy practices there isn't a single saint or sinner amongst them. I do think this trial was a joke and the jury couldn't see past US vs Korean. What problems will come from this we will have to wait and see although samsung no longer infringe the relevent patents so they will appeal lose again and then have to decide what to do.

I'm kidding. I don't actually care. Smiley faces aren't enough for some people. lol

I didn't know Messiah Steve. And I still don't give a **** he died of cancer.
Tim Cook's memo to Apple employees.

Today was an important day for Apple and for innovators everywhere.

Many of you have been closely following the trial against Samsung in San Jose for the past few weeks. We chose legal action very reluctantly and only after repeatedly asking Samsung to stop copying our work. For us this lawsuit has always been about something much more important than patents or money. It’s about values. We value originality and innovation and pour our lives into making the best products on earth. And we do this to delight our customers, not for competitors to flagrantly copy.
Because it encourages Apple and other companies to continuously engage in prohibitive patent litigation. If companies know they can win up to a BILLION dollars, they will attempt to sue all the time. This is quite possibly the worst ruling of the last ten years for phones and similar devices.

Quite frankly, this is ridiculous and I pour nothing but scorn on Apple and those who support this ruling, who are inadvertently supporting monopolistic practices that stifle innovation and creativity.
Samsung should respond in kind by no longer manufacturing parts for Apple products.
Are they not doing this already :p?
I also do take note of the fact you (and others) ignore the evidence that Glaucus continually posts.

Really? Do you mean that image that shows ALL the legal action happening around Apple, the one showing twice as much action around Apple than anyone else? Is that the evidence that Apple are no worse than others that you're referring to?
Don't panic,it is all balanced out by the more pro-Apple forums which can be just as bad too. Nobody is forcing you to trawl through the threads though??

I am sure if Samsung wins some major disputes in the future,it will be cheating Samsung are scum too on those forums! :)

What's interesting is that there is nothing about this in the Apple forums here- just lots of teeth-nashing here and in the android, sorry, mobile forum. Although I find it really hard to believe anyone gives a toss about some faceless south korean corporation. This is ALL about the Apple.
What's interesting is that there is nothing about this in the Apple forums here- just lots of teeth-nashing here and in the android, sorry, mobile forum. Although I find it really hard to believe anyone gives a toss about some faceless south korean corporation. This is ALL about the Apple.

I was not talking about OcUK!! :p
Really? Do you mean that image that shows ALL the legal action happening around Apple, the one showing twice as much action around Apple than anyone else? Is that the evidence that Apple are no worse than others that you're referring to?

Learn to read the amount of patents under contention.

Also notice the arrows.
Glaucus, I thought I'd already said, I'm not really interested in discussing with you, sorry.

Very interesting post here -

**EDIT** ha ha, this is interesting too. We don't know how true it is, but I guess he has no reason to lie?

Guy: "Wait, so what they're saying is, Samsung is the same as Apple?"
Friend: "I know, right? Makes me think twice about how much I paid for my Mac Book"
Guy: "Seriously"

Not 10 minutes later, a husband and wife, same newspaper:

Husband: "... Samsung's iPad is the same as Apple's iPad, and I paid how much for the Apple one? Honey, I told you they were a ripoff", after looking up the Samsung tablet on his iPhone.
Wife: "Oh wow," looking at the screen, "... that's a lot cheaper. Think we can return it?"
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Hopefully we might see some real innovation instead of iclone after iclone

Apple won the market by doing something totally different and making it work , now it's someone else's turn .
Sounds a complete bloody mess to be honest.

Based on some of those juror quotes I wonder if Samsung might have a pop at the legal process - one guy hints that the fines imposed were meant to hurt (they aren't), and another gives a completely different account of how they came to a verdict. Quite apart from all the screwups.
The more I read on the case ypthe more I totaly disagree.

Apple holds the patents.
Do samsung need bounce back to make the phone work? Of course they don't.
Do they need pinch to zoom to make the phone work? No they don't, but it's the nicest solution.
Have apple licensed to other companies like Microsoft? yes they have.
Did apple offer a license to samsung? Yes they did.

Samsung should have licensed it.

Look what a surprise. But let's ignore facts and go its a CT the courts will always side with apple. Well they didn't, they sided with apple in about 50% of the judgment.

I haven't ignored anything, I made a satirical observation based on the location and representation of the verdict. Whether Samsung or Apple have a case based on patent infringement or prior art or not is immaterial to what I commented on, neither do I care.

So you can take your little rant about conspiracy theories elsewhere. I own a Samsung phone, an apple tablet, an iPhone and several other Samsung and apple products, I do not ascribe to any brand worship, only product usability, reliability and desirability.

Stop taking the whole hoohaa so seriously, at the end of the day it is simply about vying for market share, nothing more.

I wrote this on my iPad3, an excellent bit of kit. :)
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Sounds like the jurors couldn't wait to side with Apple :o

Sounds a complete bloody mess to be honest.

Based on some of those juror quotes I wonder if Samsung might have a pop at the legal process - one guy hints that the fines imposed were meant to hurt (they aren't), and another gives a completely different account of how they came to a verdict. Quite apart from all the screwups.

Sounds like a solid argument to have the verdict thrown out, even if judge Koh doesn't don't be surprised if it is on appeal.

The jury members are starting to sound like what people describe when they talk about stereotypical apple fans.... know it all idiots.

From a juror in the trial:

It didn't dawn on us [that we agreed that Samsung had infringed] on the first day," Ilagan said. "We were debating heavily, especially about the patents on bounce back and pinch-to-zoom. Apple said they owned patents, but we were debating about the prior art [about the same technology that Samsung said existed before the iPhone debuted]. [Velvin Hogan] was jury foreman. He had experience. He owned patents himself. In the beginning the debate was heated, but it was still civil. Hogan holds patents, so he took us through his experience. After that it was easier. After we debated that first patent -- what was prior art --because we had a hard time believing there was no prior art, that there wasn't something out there before Apple.

"In fact we skipped that one," Ilagan continued, "so we could go on faster. It was bogging us down." ...

er... It was decided to just not bother looking at a whole aspect of a plaintiff's argument - prior art, then rule against them? :confused:
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