other news, ford planning on suing all car makers using a 4 wheeled design.
ludicrous decision.
Phones (like most inventions) have a case of convergence of optimal design (Based on functionality & ergonomics) - ff you get 100 of the best designers & put them into different rooms (With the intention of designing a smartphone, 90% of them will look very similar. They are that shape because it's the most optimised design & wastes the least materials. I'm sure they could make it different & inferior if they wanted, but why the hell should anybody do that?.
The iphone/ipad were never original ideas - it's a natural step past the old tablets (my wacom cinque which is significantly older than either of them) & isn't a case for a copyright at all imho, even the software you can find parts of it in different older applications on consoles/PC & other operating systems.
My old Nokia had a menu system similar(ish) to my galaxy S2 - but I'm not crying about it.
This kind of hyper-agressive patent squabbling is bad for the consumer, I can understand a business wanting to protect an original idea - but since when did apple have one of them?.
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