Does the discount work on items that are currently out of stock? Or if I am paying by Paypal? Want to buy this:



Yep it works, Evan after the midnight cutoff :D
Since when do companies give out staff discounts to the general public? I am sorry but what a stupid comparison. Also, the shop only deals were restricted and staff could not get them it was for customers only.

If you are not happy with the deal, we are not forcing you to buy. And if you are not happy and want to pay the higher price, feel free to not use the code.

Just saying don't flog it as a ferrari when it's a nova at best.

Back slapping each other isn't necessary. If the deal is good then people will vote with their purchases.

Each to their own I suppose but I'm sure I'm not the only one that has been watching the creep of OCuk prices upwards beyond competitors when they were usually the cheapest.

This discount was marketing pure and simple lets be honest with one another.

The comment about staff discount was merely to point out that OCuk can afford to offer better discounts as per the existance of staff discount. That you choose to not offer it is again a choice.

Or would I be mistaken in thinking you don't make a percentage on a staff discounted item.

I realise posting this makes no difference to the business mind set but perhaps makes a few people slightly wiser to sales tactics?
Aurhinius, what you are saying can be compared with every company in the UK, comparing discounts with previous discounts may be better or worse (in your opinion), also competitors may have cheaper prices, yet we have cheaper prices too. This goes for almost every business out there.

Same with customer service, we like to think our level of service is higher than most competitors, so even if you are paying the odd more, at least you know you can rely on us.

However, I do not appreciate you trying to hint other competitors.

Also, people who were looking to shop with us over the weekend highly appreciate the deal and it is proven successful with several thousand orders placed with this code, so I do not really know why you are moaning, some customers appreciate the offer.

You seem to be against OcUK more than anything. Not entirely sure why you keep bringing up staff discount, like I said earlier, that is a stupid comparison. Almost every company appreciate their staff with discount and yes it is usually lower than retail pricing.

However, if you want staff discount you have to be staff... That is kind of obvious. And it is stupid to compare (as this can be said for any business), and we obviously need to make profit to run as a business.

If you have anything constructive to say, feel free to email me directly.
Aurhinius, prices going up/down happen hourly for most components and it just so happens some have increased during this promo - that's down to the weak pound which makes it more expensive to import but cheaper to export - whilst others items have remained the same price. This discount should offset some the pain for consumers, it's taken some time for prices to recover (March 13th was 1.489 GBP/USD) but it's currently recovering at 1.55 GBP/USD (was 1.62 GBP/USD start of 2013).
I only became aware of this offer just after 11 pm last night, which gave me the final push I needed to order that laptop CPU upgrade I have been promising myself for the last few weeks.

A good price too on an item that is not that easy to find elsewhere... thank you OcUK! :)
I am sure there will be some customers who purchased a complete high end gaming PC system and managed to save themselves quite a lot of money!

Watch this space! ;)
I am sure there will be some customers who purchased a complete high end gaming PC system and managed to save themselves quite a lot of money!

Watch this space! ;)

Several I am sure! :D

Looking at the technical department they are building really nice systems, I really have an itch to upgrade my system! I hate coming to work and seeing amazing systems being built all the time! :( :p
Just thought i'd pop in to say that people whining about it excluding free shipping or saying prices are more expensive elsewhere or whatever.

OCUK are there to make money, they are a business in a capitalist country and they are/were offering you a fairly hefty discount.

Do they still make a margin with the discount? probably.
Was it a marketing tool to generate more business? yes.
Does every other retail profit making organisation do this? Yes!

I think people put OCUK up on a pedestal and worship them as some kind of deity of computer hardware (like Valve and Apple to an extent) and therefore anything that might besmerch that impression is taken as heresy.

I'm just happy that they generally offer competitive pricing, free shipping to long standing customers and great customer service.

Keep up the good work OCUK and more importantly keep up those standards
Aurhinius, what you are saying can be compared with every company in the UK, comparing discounts with previous discounts may be better or worse (in your opinion), also competitors may have cheaper prices, yet we have cheaper prices too. This goes for almost every business out there.

Same with customer service, we like to think our level of service is higher than most competitors, so even if you are paying the odd more, at least you know you can rely on us.

However, I do not appreciate you trying to hint other competitors.

Also, people who were looking to shop with us over the weekend highly appreciate the deal and it is proven successful with several thousand orders placed with this code, so I do not really know why you are moaning, some customers appreciate the offer.

You seem to be against OcUK more than anything. Not entirely sure why you keep bringing up staff discount, like I said earlier, that is a stupid comparison. Almost every company appreciate their staff with discount and yes it is usually lower than retail pricing.

However, if you want staff discount you have to be staff... That is kind of obvious. And it is stupid to compare (as this can be said for any business), and we obviously need to make profit to run as a business.

If you have anything constructive to say, feel free to email me directly.

Fair enough you have your stance and I have mine. It wasn't there to annoy people. I like a few others on the forum perhaps are just a bit older and wiser and can't get behind the hype. I expect you to do nothing else than market your company after all that is what you are paid for. On the odd time I have needed your help with an order you have been very helpful. No arguments there. I can see my point is getting lost so let's just leave it.
I saved £12 in cash, but also saved myself a lot of pain switching from a Blackwidow to a Osmium after being diagnosed with CTS. Great offer for moi!
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