Aurhinius, what you are saying can be compared with every company in the UK, comparing discounts with previous discounts may be better or worse (in your opinion), also competitors may have cheaper prices, yet we have cheaper prices too. This goes for almost every business out there.
Same with customer service, we like to think our level of service is higher than most competitors, so even if you are paying the odd more, at least you know you can rely on us.
However, I do not appreciate you trying to hint other competitors.
Also, people who were looking to shop with us over the weekend highly appreciate the deal and it is proven successful with several thousand orders placed with this code, so I do not really know why you are moaning, some customers appreciate the offer.
You seem to be against OcUK more than anything. Not entirely sure why you keep bringing up staff discount, like I said earlier, that is a stupid comparison. Almost every company appreciate their staff with discount and yes it is usually lower than retail pricing.
However, if you want staff discount you have to be staff... That is kind of obvious. And it is stupid to compare (as this can be said for any business), and we obviously need to make profit to run as a business.
If you have anything constructive to say, feel free to email me directly.