Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

Yeah £30. But as I said in my previous post. Its if my friends missus comes or not. So don't drag your friend yet.
TommoUK said:
Just got back, it was awesome! There was quite a nice mix of old and new, although I would've liked to hear Wake Up and maybe In The Backseat, they played my favourite songs. Rebellion, Tunnels and Black Wave were all really good fun. I would've liked the gig to be a bit longer but they still belted out a number of songs.


Now here's hoping they make an appearance at Leeds fest!

Went last night also, they were fantastic, wasn't really too bothered with them before hand, thought they were ok but the g/f and a mate were really into them. Got to say i'm a fan now.

Not sure about Leeds, but i'm in for a treat, they are playing the Barcelona festival in July and i'm off there for the festival and then a few days on the beach, cant wait!
talkshowhost said:
anyone else going to see them at the barrowlands tonight? Cannot wait.

Also I know you get frisked at the entrance but do think I'll be able to get my camera in there?

You should be fine, depends on the venues rules though and if its a SLR (Professional camera in securites eyes) or not.
oh man it rocked, i'm hoping some one on the AF forums taped it!

dunno about you mate but i was blown away, there is sooooo much happening on stage it just has you clued!
An ok gig but the most ridiculously priced merchandise i've seen.

Talk about greedy lol.
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