Arcane (Netflix series)

Never got round to watching this as I never had anything to do with the game. Is it still worth watching?

Its the best thing I've watched in years. And I've never touched the games.
It is basically my perfect TV show though.
Animation style
Dark tone
Well paced story line

So many shows are too fast now. But this is done so well. There is no reason to need to know the lore,

I give it a 10/10
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Afaik the lore of the games was almost non existent, they've now adapted the game lore to fit the show lore, so you don't need to know the games at all really.
Afaik the lore of the games was almost non existent, they've now adapted the game lore to fit the show lore, so you don't need to know the games at all really.
Its so good. I'm a bit sad this is the last season on this story line. But better than being canned early.
As above, put off watching as know nothing about the game. Was one of the best shows I watched in recent years.
I did enjoy this, but must confess to getting a bit lost at some points (I was watching on the turbo trainer).

Also wouldn't mind if they binned the soundtrack...
Awesome. Probably won't get round to it for another week as busy, but we will try and binge it if we can.

Hell, might even start from season 1 again.
I forgot most of the first season but sat down with family to watch the second anyway. As expected a lot of it went over my head but it does seem they kept up with the pace of the first. I'll probably do a rewatch to catch up.
Watched all 3 now. I can't get over how good it looks, the style is still so fresh and unique like nothing else. The punches have weight, the explosions have impact.

The story and episode has no filler, all story, all action. Every scene is either character development or moving the story forward, no time wasted. The voice acting too, each fits the character on screen.

10/10 still !
Just noticed they only release 3 episode. That's good. Gives me time to rewatch season 1 and begin season 2.
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