That and he has every pattern to show if the TV is clipping. As I had found out, AVSHD was showing no clipping but the saturation steps in 21pt was clipping in yellow and cyan.
The disc really is feature rich and helps to look for any banding, break up in gradients and anything else. The other part that was really interesting compared to other discs, you could set step 17/Gamma correctly while still crushing his 0.5 near black.
Plus not many discs show you the colour steps near black and white to see if they're also clipping or too high near black.
Mascior's disc has the Offset/Cuts steps near black but doesn't show the near white colour steps to see which colours quickly run out.
He uses quite a lot of specialised hardware and software. That and Ted's disc allows you to do 3DLUT for video processors. 9,261 colour patches. For eeColor and Lumagen.
He has many workflows to choose and different timed patterns from 10s to 1 second. As well as he supplies you Calman workflows etc
His disc is compatible with, LightSpace, ChromaPure, CalMan and HCFR.
Ted uses with his disc, S/W: LightSpace CMS, SpaceMan ICC, SpaceMatch DCM, CalMAN 5, CalMAN RGB, ChromaPure, CalPC, ControlCAL
Meters: JETI Specbos 1211, Klein K-10A, i1PRO2, i1PRO, SpectraCAL C6, i1D3, C5
Quite a number of experts using his disc now.