Are LED TVs better than Plasma

The only thing I go looking for is backlight uniformaty and bleed. And test a TV with different content/general viewing for the first week to make sure I'm happy with it.

And make sure I have a 5yr warranty.
All I can say is I love my LG Plasma, I can't fault it at all. I'm hoping it will last me a good 5 years or so until I can get something fairly decent in 4k.
Have you also owned a Plasma, or compared it to one?

Or are you just saying "yeah mines looks good" ?

I have had a ZT and a PZ60 Panasonic plasma screens as well as an Lg one which was horrid. I only had the ZT for a couple of weeks though as it was faulty.

I have also had an LG OLED and a Sony 4K which was rated very highly but tbh I found it a bit crap tbh.

I'm not ultra fussy but know a good picture. I also always set my screens to how I like rather than how some nerd with a meter tells me I should have it... :)

I was not expecting much from the Samsung LCD. I bought it on a bit of a whim as I was fed up trying TV's and being Dissapointed. It has really immpressed me so far and I'm finding it better than screens that cost 3 or 4 times the cost. It handles motion well and has nice deep blacks without loosing shadow detail. The smart stuff works very well as well which is something I have not really used before but have on this one.

I would say the ZT had a better picture in some respects but it also cost a great deal more and only lasted 2 weeks. I would say a decent plasma will give a better picture but I would not say you need a £6K LCD to do a good a job and give very good results.
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yeah I can hear some buzzing from my viewing position on my ZT60

but other than that it's FANTASTIC :) wouldn't swap it - even for 4k

should have seen wife's face when I said - courier has arrived - they've said they need help with the pallet .....
Maybe the tech will catch up by the time 4k actually means something so people with panny's are in a good place....I literally have no urgent to upgrade my TV and it's getting on for 3 year old....

Best £1000 I have ever spent on's more than paid for itself....not like gfx cards that are out of date in weeks lol
As much as I loved my Panny S20, my H6400 (VA panel) isn't far off, especially with a light-source behind it which makes the perceived black levels just as good. Motion isn't as good as the plasma, but still, can't complain for a £400 tv!
I have a Panasonic E6 32" LED in the Kitchen and a Samsung F8500 64" Plasma in the living room. Given their locations, I've never really watched a film properly on the E6 which I would say is brighter and sharper than the F8500 (but then they are set up completely differently given their environments and cost differences) don't really notice blurring on the E6 if I've got the F1 on there but that's the BBC feed and I think the Sky F1 feed just looks better than the BBC.

I won't be changing either for a long time. Not screen related but the smart features on the E6 are terrible. Only thing that works well is throwing stuff from my phone to youtube on it. I like to watch Tabletop as I'm cooking :)
Motion wise I find it depends heavily on the content. I had a Panny plasma and my current Sony LED at the same time and was outputting content to both to do direct a/b comparisons. 60fps content was better on the plasma. Not massively, but better. 30fps was considerably nicer on the eye with the LED, tho, and a bit of a jerky mess on the plasma. I'd owned two panny plasmas prior to this and they had the same issue. Seeing as I console game a great deal these days and more often than not games run at 30fps, this was a big deal. Movie wise there wasn't much in it, with the plasma slightly edging infront. Add phosphor lag - which I see clearly and regard as the worst video nasty of them all, and by some margin! - and the LED came out on top. The plasma went back to the shop and my W905 is still going strong.

There were other factors in play too - input lag (the Sony LED was noticeably more responsive), no worry about retention, image sharpness and handling direct sunlight etc.
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At the end of the day it doesn't matter which tech is supposedly 'better', people buy what they can live/are happy with within the budget they have.

I have a new panny AX902B and a PZ80 I bought back in 2008. I was happy with the PZ80 but I wanted something bigger/newer. I think the PQ on the 902 is amazing and serves my needs better than the other tvs I looked at. Do I care about it being LCD tech? No not really. Is it a magnitude better than the PZ80 in every respect? Maybe/maybe not. Am I satisfied with my viewing experience (TV, Movies, 3D films)? Yeah :cool:

It's just a TV at the end of the day, I'm not going to get bent out of shape about which tech is better and why, life is too short.

ps the 902 is as heavy or heavier than the old PZ80, so I don't think weight as a plus point of LCD really works.
So many G30 users, loving it.

Like mine as well, probably needs some calibration as sometimes scenes just appear "too" dark, but for some reason scared of cranking up the brightness/contrast due to image retention.
So many G30 users, loving it.

Like mine as well, probably needs some calibration as sometimes scenes just appear "too" dark, but for some reason scared of cranking up the brightness/contrast due to image retention.
With the amount of hours that must be on that set it should be well broken in and IR shouldn't be a problem :cool:
I got a touch of IR in the first few months after monster video game sessions of Forza 4 which disappeared after a few weeks of being careful and not playing for 6 hours plus! Now it's pretty much impervious to any IR even after Forza 4 abuse.
I'm confident by the time my 50VT65 pegs it 4K OLED will be affordable/an established thing with problems ironed out.

this is pretty much what my opinion has been since I bought my panny plasma.

The Kuro is what 6 years old yet still regarded as one of the best even today.

If you own either the 50 or 65 range pannys they should last you easily until OLED has properly matured. If I upgraded I would never get rid of it either it would be demoted to another room.
Plasma obviously.

Will rock my Panny ST30 until OLED is affordable and established. Jealous of the guys with Kuros in here, was the offered the chance to buy one that was used as a television grading monitor off work but couldn't afford it at the time.
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