Are NATO and the UN just full of useless ****s?

As long as the oil keeps coming I literally do not care about whatever government they have. It is of no concern of ours. We are not the world police. They, and all the other former colonial countries have the independence they wanted. If democracy is the superior form of government they'll figure that out for themselves.
There is a simple answer to this ,as i think we all agree that gadaffe has stepped over the line.
Supply the rebbels with some AA assets and some old static artillary pieces. As they out number the goverment this will probabbly tilt the ballance and no nato troops need go within 1000 miles of libya.. Job done.

I know there is an arms embargo , but as france dont recognise the gadafee goverment but do the newlly formed rebell goverment i'm sure this is a loop hole ..
Well look at that. They finally declare a No Fly zone and Libya declares a ceasefire!:)

Could have done it a week or two ago to save a poo load of fighting but better late then never
How hard is it to actually set up a no fly zone anyway? Why do they have to have meeting after damn meeting to decide what to do?

This sort of thing obviously can not happen over night. Would you rather they rushed it all and came up with a messy plan instead?
libya isnt even the country commiting the worst acts upon its "civilians" er i mean rebels ...
Yemen's president declares a state of emergency after gunmen in the capital reportedly kill 45 people and injure 270 at a protest rally.
how come the news channels dont seem to report this?
and lets not forget sudan either
Sudan — Two days of heavy fighting between rebels and the south Sudanese army in the oil-producing states of Unity and Upper Nile, have left at least 70 people dead, an army spokesman said Friday.
how come this goes ignored?.

i like how obama wants gaddafi to pull back from the rebels and give them even more land lol, i bet if they do once the rebels start attacking gaddafis forces everyone will remain quiet but only if the rebels are winning ...
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This thread is a bit LOL for some peoples comments
When rebels fight government forces anywhere they are engaging in a domestic struggle, ie same as IRA vs UK, ETA vs Spain, current situation in a few countries where people have taken up arms basically makes them paramilitary.
No country/UN/anyone wants to get engaged in these, they are upto the relevant countries to sort themselves. Its an internal security issue.

Where the international community (and rightly so) basically has its issues is when the governments of said countries are using military to supress civillians, the belief of the western world and hell of a lot of others is that civillians have the right to not be kept in poverty when a few take all the wealth, where they have no opportunity long term as there is no elections etc. The two main world stage players who have a slightly different view are Russia and China. Russia push the boundaries themselves at times, but again basically re paramilitary not civilians, they however like the chinese view anything internal to another country as something they do not want to get involved in. The chinese would be rather taking the **** if they did make any massive supporting actions on goverment supression / human rights on the world stage ;)
They at least recognise we have differing views and basically politely take a backwards step away and let the rest get on with it.
I can see some serious conversations happening re Bahrain imminently if it carries on much longer.
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