"Id love to support my countries team but they are against racism, what do I do?"
taking the knee is not an effctive anti-racism gesture, who changes their behaviour as a result of seeing that ?
the footballers have donated no money or time, and just extract some self-attributed/woke moral high ground with the gesture;
you could almost say it trivialises/ridicules/mocks the issue to suggest it does; I'm unable to think of other gestures that I think have been effective ?
The gesture, as I understand, had a defiance/black power origin in the usa before Floyd, but, I don't believe UK/EU folks see beyond floyd when they see it,
I don't anyway, along with the ambivalance of whether that murder was racially motivated (trial of police force pending I believe)
I see the gesture as that associated with a medieval pledge of allegiance.
[e: wow filmer of the killing got a pulitzer prize ]
Yeah he seems really unhappy as they celebrate the birth of their daughter ....
the absence of baby pictures(bbc anyway), shows just how happy they are, in their social celebrity re-incarnation -
a solid group think diagnosis,
but it is probably a monetization strategy.
His doctors prescription for mental health issues was an interview with Oprah ? ..
it's ok if you keep them to a minimum.
[P.Eade biography of young Philip currently on r4 which shows just how divisive their use of Lilibet was - H&MM are both in full crisis]