Are you a supermarket snob?

Depending on shift rotation and a few other factors:
Main shop - Tesco 85%, Sainsbury's 10%, Asda 5%.
Top up shopping - Asda 85%, Sainsbury's 10%, Tesco 5%.

IMHO Tesco represents the best compromise between price and quality but it's 4 miles away so rarely used for bits and pieces. Asda is around a 6 minute walk so ideal for that but generally a bit scummy and chavvy, more interested in promoting doughnuts and boxes of chocolate than decent fruit and veg.

Don't really bother with Aldi or Lidl, unless they've changed I prefer not to buy unknown brands.

We do pop in Waitrose for the occasional treat as it's on the drive back from some of our country walks but, well one can't really go in there with muddy boots on, can one..? :)
Mostly Waitrose as it was within walking distance of my house. I'd avoid Asda and Morrisons like the plague as their food is usually ****.

I had a slight preference to Sainsbury's over Tesco, but that's about it.

Here, similar. There is a more expensive supermarket that has much better meat than the other standard supermarkets, and there is also a pretty dire cheap supermarket as well. We normally go to the mid range one most of the time, unless we want to walk and get something small or some nice meat, whereupon we go to the more expensive place.
I have an Asda 5 minutes away so I usually go there, it's not great but I mostly buy simple items like bread and packs of chicken so it does the job, if Sainsburys was closer I'd go there, or if I could be bothered to online shop
M&S, Tescos & Booths (in that order).

Our closest ASDA is Wolstanton, remember going as a kid and imagining this is how food shopping in the 3rd world must look like....
Have/Do I go to all of them?


Do I prefer some over others?


If there is a ASDA and Waitrose side by side...I would go to Waitrose. Generally I go to Sainsbury's because near me they are

1 - easiest the get to (not the closest)
2 - it is larger than the others nearby
3 - free parking. Waitrose is the closest but because it is a part of a shopping area it cost £1.30 per hour unless you spend £20.

To get to Sainsbury's I pretty much drive past Waitrose, Tesco, Aldi in a 3 min drive. If I really wanted to...I could go to Tesco, Sainsbury's ASDA, Waitrose, M&S, Morrisons, Lidi, Aldi by foot, they are all within a mile, mile and a half of each other.
Asda as it's just outside our estate. . Sometimes I may see something at tescos on lunch. But I just go to asda. It's a superstore 24 hour so has a lot of stuff. Convenient as it has a post office inside too if I need to send something.
Aldi for 90% of stuff here, ASDA for little bits like Milk and whoopsies

We get meat from a local wholesaler once a month.
Try to avoid ASDA and there's not really a Tesco near me. Honestly find the level of people in them is just...unreal. You know the sort, the daft mares who stick their trolley length-ways across an aisle as they're stood looking at something on a shelf completely blocking it off. Or the old bints who just stand in the middle of an aisle having a natter meaning nobody can get past.


My favourite one though was as I was stood still looking at some honey a kid runs straight in to me, bounces off my hip, lands on his backside and starts crying. Mother comes over and starts having a go at me for making her child cry. I pointed out that I didn't even move and if she'd had control over her idiot child, it's a shop not a playground, then none of it would have happened.
I use pretty much all of them; there's always something that I can't get from one supermarket that I can get in another/for less. I used Lidl today for the first time, which reminded me of some sort of an indoor market going by the way everything was set up. :D Some of the prices were pretty good, though.
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In terms of just buying groceries, no I don't particularly care - they all sell close variations of the same thing for similar prices so whichever is most convenient usually wins.

For shopping 'experience', I have two nearby options:

Tesco: Filled with morons with no manners, mostly wearing tracksuits and sovereign rings who think they own the place.
Waitrose: Filled with morons with no manners, mostly wearing tweed jackets and sporting Chelsea tractors who think they own place.

Basically I hate supermarkets.
No. If you're a supermarket snob, you're a idiot. There is nothing "special" about "posh" supermarkets like M&S, Waitrose.

It really depends what you're looking for. Obviously branded goods are branded goods, but meat (especially prepared fresh meats) and other fresh produce can vary greatly depending on the supermarket, both in quality and variety.

For example Waitrose fresh burgers are far superior to anything in Asda and Morrisons (partly because they are not full of fillers)*. Both Sainsbury's and Waitrose also had a much greater cheese selection than the other supermarkets.

*Well a year ago anyway.
If i'm going in store I prefer Sainsburys as I just seem to be able to find stuff easier, the aisles have more logic to them.

Online we prefer Tesco as we spend less but visiting makes me want to commit murder as stuff is all over the place.

Have to occasionally visit Asda for multipacks of Walkers Pickled Onion crisps, they are the holy grail of potato snacks.
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