Are you addicted to buying games on Steam?

20 Jun 2013
I've been going through my friends list recently and noticed that about 90% of individuals own games which they never play, yet they still buy cheap titles purely for the fact that they're either -90% off or worth literally less than £1.

I've personally bought a few of these titles myself purely for the fact that they're worth literally nothing seen as though I usually end up selling in-game items on the community market from games such as TF2 and CS:GO.

Additionally, I've also gathered half a dozen or two of games which came from the Humble Bundle. I usually end up seeing a title I really want and pay that little bit extra (on the humble bundle) to get it and just end up getting all the other smaller indie titles along with it. Consequently, I've ended up with around 47% of my entire steam library of games which I've never played before.

What is it about Steam that makes you want to purchase games so frequently? How many games do you guys own and what is your 'unplayed game percentage'? How much have you spent on games in the past and how often do you buy them full price?

I've used this website to work out the unplayed game percentage:


Here are my stats:

Value with sales: £614
238 games with a total value of: £1962
Games not played: 112 (47%)
Hours on record: 3,438.3h (43.5h last two weeks)
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I sometimes buy games very cheap in the sale with good intentions, but often games take 30+ hours to complete, and the spare time I have to play games is much less than it used to be so I just don't have the time to play everything.
The game's I have on steam are all played and I only have a few csgo tf2 fm2013 fm2014 and mx vs atv / dirt for my lad
Games owned 243 :eek:
Games not played 184 (76%) :(
Games not in store 12
Hours on record 494.3h (35.4h last two weeks)

value with sales

i rarely buy a game full price
Games owned: 295
Games not played: 189 (64%)
Games not in store: 9
Hours on record 1,047.8h (38.6h last two weeks)

value with sales €1110

I sometimes buy games very cheap in the sale with good intentions, but often games take 30+ hours to complete, and the spare time I have to play games is much less than it used to be so I just don't have the time to play everything.

This basically - if there's a game I want to play, and it comes on sale at a "too good to miss" price (e.g. 75% or more off). I'll buy it with the intention of playing it, even if I don't do so immediately.

My Steam:

106 games with a total value of
value with sales

Games owned 106
Games not played 46 (43%)

Saying that, about 20 of those "not played" I've actually completed, or at least played quite a bit, and haven't tracked for whatever reason, so it's not so bad.
In recent years I have spent a fair amount on games in the Steam sales. However, last steam sale I didn't buy any at all. I only buy games that I think I might play on a rainy day.

I blame the internet for my lack of progress through my single player games!! :p I simply prefer to play online FPS games and the only time I tend to play single player is when I can't play online games (because of no or bad connection), the game servers are down or I am so bored of the online game that I look to something else.

My stats:

  • Total cost of games: £1065 (£351 with sales)
  • Games owned: 112
  • Games not played: 64 (57%)
  • Hours on record: 741.9h
  • Games not in store: 8

I should point out that in the last few years nearly all of my gaming has been in non steam titles (Tribes Ascend, Quake 3, Quake Live, Titanfall and so on). It has only been in the last month or so that I have started playing CSGO etc. I have about 1000hrs on Tribes Ascend alone.

Didn't realise my Steam account was 10 years old though! :eek:
I mostly only really buy bundles now, as I've already got enough games to last me about 5 years. And even then, there needs to be one or two games that I would really like to play before I buy.

Gauntlet was the exception, as I bought on release. Mostly due to the nostalgia (had the original on C64) - this was a really good reboot, too.

Only get around 10-15 hours/month of gaming time, so have managed to train myself that even £4 for a steam sale game is more than it's worth to me.
Went through a little phase of buying games on steam just because they were cheap. Nipped it in the bud before I accumulated too much.

Now I just ask myself two questions before buying. Will I enjoy this type of game? Has the game got good reviews?

Buy doing this I only buy 4-5 games per year. I waste less money and time and can give the games the focus they deserve.

I don't focus on prices anymore, just quality.
Not anymore with a family who also want to play games I have purchased/subscribed to, whatever, the Steam DRM is a pain in the ***.

DRM free is the way to go, so nowadays I look at Humble Store and GOG.

Humble store is good as I get a DRM free version and sometimes a Steam code for me too.
23 games
20 played
£126 with sales

2 don't run on windows 8, the other one I'm waiting for some updates before playing.

so no, and I really don't get these silly addictions. although humble bundle can be the reason for some people. cheap way to get one game you want and it just adds a load of others.
90% of games I buy are from the sales when they are like under a fiver and yes I havent played 90% of them! I'm not addicted though its just one of those things where I go "oh that looks like a good game" and buy it and never play it, its just really easy to buy off steam as its all digital and one click stuff, if it was a dvd hard copy purchase I wouldn't even bother!
I love a bargin, i was mulling over a game that was 90% off a while back, gonna hold off till its at 95% now :). That 50p game i saved on is going towards witcher 3. Every penny counts in this unstable economic climate :D
I love a bargin, i was mulling over a game that was 90% off a while back, gonna hold off till its at 95% now :). That 50p game i saved on is going towards witcher 3. Every penny counts in this unstable economic climate :D

Plot twist, The game never gets a measly 50p reduction and actually gets 50p added on to it :p
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