Are you addicted to buying games on Steam?

a lot of the games i have that i havn't played are because of bundles.

i bought a number of publisher bundles during steam sales. Where there was a few games in the bundle i wanted, and the price of the bundle was less than buying those few games individually.

The same for other bundles, like humble bundle and bundlestars.

can pay £5 to get the game i want in sale or £2/3 for a bundle of 10+ games that also includes the game i want.

Currently at 63% games not played, with 1056 total games

That (though in my case it's 57% not played). Too many times in old Steam sales was it cheaper to literally buy the publishers entire library pack than individually buy the 2 games I actually wanted. I seem to recall in one instance I bought the Paradox pack a second time because it was still cheaper than filling in the missing games. But I try and pick a couple of games a month out of the ones I didn't want and give them a chance.
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The last year, I have slowed down a lot. Just under 300 games in my library after 8 years on Steam.

Never buy full price now, and wait for descent discounts or bundles.

I've been trying to avoid buying more games recently since I have so many still to play through. A lot of the games I haven't played yet are junk games from bundles though.
I used to buy a lot of games on steam which I just wouldn't end up playing, but I've restricted myself more recently to just trying to play through my backlog. I only consider buying if there's a great sale price on a game these days.
  • Worth: £1513 (£401 with sales)
  • Games owned: 162
  • Games not played: 90 (56%)
  • Hours on record: 1,267.3h

12 Year old profile
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