Are you addicted to buying games on Steam?

I own about 150 steam games and probably 40-50 are unplayed but probably 10 of them are humble bundle games and I also haven't gotten around to them. Witcher 1/2 are among them but they take hours so want to finish other games first.
I only buy games i want to play OR packs on sale that have games i want to play which work out cheaper than buying the games separately.

Not addicted to it at all, but in 10 years i have 314 games now. 50% not played but a lot of them are dross fillers, some are obsolete versions of games i cant remove etc.
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My two Steam accounts:

Account 1: 241 games with value of £2015 (£621 with sales), 188 not played (78%)
Account 2: 233 games with value of £1703 (£516 with sales), 195 not played (84%)

Hmm, do not feel like I've spent over £1k on Steam... but entirely possible I guess.
I just buy everything I want in the sales. It means that I have a good library of games to choose from, even if I haven't played half of them yet.

I normally wait until the games have 75% off unless it's something I really want to play right now, so I feel that I am getting good value for my money. I rarely pay more than £10 for a game, and more often than not it's £5 or under by the time I decide to grab it.
Yes and I don't even have a capable computer to run them. How is that for total lunacy? I keep saying one day I will get a new PC but there are other things I keep buying first.
Here is mine:
  • Worth: £1523 (£425 with sales)
  • Games owned: 176
  • Games not played: 65 (37%)
  • Hours on record: 1,878.3h
  • Profile created: 10 years ago

I don't buy many games really, the account is 10 years old

There are a few games that say they were/are free which I paid for and aren't free :(

202170 Game Sleeping Dogs™ 21.1h Free or No Price
43110 Game Metro 2033 28m Free or No Price
33910 Game Arma 2 Free or No Price

Also pretty sure the hours on record is only for a few years? as I'm sure I've played thousands of hours on CS:S
I'm not addicted, but I buy games on steam because it's convenient to have them in 1 place. A lot of the games I have which haven't yet played were added to my account as freebies bundled with other games or part of the indie bundles, all games I've bought normally I've played to some degree.
Here is mine:
  • Worth: £1523 (£425 with sales)
  • Games owned: 176
  • Games not played: 65 (37%)
  • Hours on record: 1,878.3h
  • Profile created: 10 years ago

I don't buy many games really, the account is 10 years old

There are a few games that say they were/are free which I paid for and aren't free :(

Also pretty sure the hours on record is only for a few years? as I'm sure I've played thousands of hours on CS:S
Here is mine:
  • Worth: £1523 (£425 with sales)
  • Games owned: 176
  • Games not played: 65 (37%)
  • Hours on record: 1,878.3h
  • Profile created: 10 years ago

I don't buy many games really, the account is 10 years old

There are a few games that say they were/are free which I paid for and aren't free :(

Also pretty sure the hours on record is only for a few years? as I'm sure I've played thousands of hours on CS:S

Metro and sleeping dogs have been replaced by the new editions which is why they aren't showing the price
Games owned 766
Games not played 646 (84%)
Games not in store 49
Hours on record 776.5h (0.0h last two weeks)

value with sales
766 games with a total value of

Hmmm.... :)
My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: £2960 (£862 with sales)
  • Games owned: 306
  • Games not played: 137 (45%)
  • Hours on record: 1,535.6h

Just no time anymore to play them!
Worth: £2527 (£697 with sales) - I'd say i have spent less than the sale value as a lot of my games were from Humble bundles etc

2,994.5 hours on record - lol...

Games owned 288
Games not played 142 (49%)

I have made an effort to complete a lot of games i have bought. They are always there to play in future, so it doesn't bother me at all.
No, I only really buy in sales and I think hard before buying, I have bought things I haven't played in the past but I have recognised that fault and corrected it.

Usually it's 75% off before I buy, the days of paying full price for games are long gone. What do I care if I play it on release or six months later for under a tenner? It's the same product, £30 cheaper, and fully patched and mature.

Rome 2 was the last time i'm paying over the odds for unfinished, broken tat. That game was absolutely nothing like the marketing suggested.

Here's my finger to game devs - You can have a tenner max, if and when I feel like it, when I know it's finished and patched.
Usually it's 75% off before I buy, the days of paying full price for games are long gone. What do I care if I play it on release or six months later for under a tenner? It's the same product, £30 cheaper, and fully patched and mature.

This is the Steam lesson I'm learning, having only started PC gaming again this year after a break going back to when I got the original PlayStation.

Alright, I bought my first game, Divinity: OS, for the full £30 because I really wanted to get gaming on my new rig and I knew that I really wanted this game.

The only other things I've paid for so far are Witchers 1 & 2 which I got for the price of a pint in the Hallowe'en Sale.

I'm not going to fork out for Dragon Age or Elite early-doors - I'm going to wait for the games to, as you say, "mature," and also, hopefully to come down in price a bit.

I intend for my only exception to be where I specifically wish to support a given project or developer and, even then, I'm not planning to go down the beta/early access route at all.
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