Are you addicted to buying games on Steam?

I cannot understand people's need to buy 100's of games they are unlikely to ever play for some kind of 'bragging rights', sure if you over the years accumulate many games that's one thing, but I have known people who scum bag $1 humble bundles every month just to fill the steam list up some more with zero intention of playing them. Baffles me.
I seem to convince myself I will get around to them someday, they are games I do want to play. Of course, it never happens :) I try and stick to buying games just on my wishlist now.
Yeah that's fine, atleast you have the intention to play! the people I'm talking about are just straight up greedy and for some reason think it makes them look good to have acquired this pile of games, Bizarre.
* Worth:£1826 (£459 with sales)
* Games owned:205
* Games not played:45 (22%)
* Hours on record:8,153.2h That is a lot of my life, but the account is 11 years old.
Games owned 353
Games not played 255 (72%)
Games not in store 25
Hours on record 2,209.6h (0.0h last two weeks)

LOL :(

353 games with a total value of £2805
value with sales £685
2,209.6 hours on record, level 35
Profile created 11 years ago

Even at full price that means for over a decade of gaming I've paid:
£1.27 per hour or £21.20 per month

And considering a lot of the games will haev likely been bundles and preorder special offers I don't actually think thats too bad in all fairness
I've become a bit of an addict in my old age.

Total account value

Total cost with sales

Games owned

Hours on record

A three year old account :(
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No I'm addicted to pirating them. Buying I do rarely and only if I enjoyed the pirate copy of it. I've actually finished a game before I pirated and then bought it on Steam.

I think they used to be called 'demos' in ancient times before development companies stopped making them available. Now I make them available for myself.

But still, well over a 100 (legit) games on my library
Regularly buy games on Steam or HumbleBundle even though I know I probably won't get round to playing them anytime within the next few years
a lot of the games i have that i havn't played are because of bundles.

i bought a number of publisher bundles during steam sales. Where there was a few games in the bundle i wanted, and the price of the bundle was less than buying those few games individually.

The same for other bundles, like humble bundle and bundlestars.

can pay £5 to get the game i want in sale or £2/3 for a bundle of 10+ games that also includes the game i want.

Currently at 63% games not played, with 1056 total games

$3909 Total account value
$998 Total cost with sales
21 Steam level
$12.99 Average price
$8.43 Average price per hour
301 Games owned
1,766h Hours on record
11.6h Average playtime
149 Games not played
50% Games not played

Some of the stats are off though, I remember when steam didn't log the total playtime.
Also, in the old days, I pirated a lot of games, only buy them later on steam ( after I played em).
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