Are you addicted to buying games on Steam?

George! ^

I always find it so strange looking at these values. Since a lot of my games are from insane Steam sales or Humble Bundle it just ends up looking like I've spent a ludicrous amount and ends up being a worthless value. I'd rather know:

ACTUAL PAID TOTAL (only on record would be fine)
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My Steam Profile

  • Worth: £945 (£301 with sales)
  • Games owned: 72
  • Games not played: 17 (24%)
  • Hours on record: 942.7h

Hours on record fairly low as i went to PS3/Xbox for ages, then BF3/4 on Origin. Now I have a Wii U taking all my time.
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George! ^

I always find it so strange looking at these values. Since a lot of my games are from insane Steam sales or Humble Bundle it just ends up looking like I've spent a ludicrous amount and ends up being a worthless value. I'd rather know:

ACTUAL PAID TOTAL (only on record would be fine)

Very hard to work out 'Actual Price Paid' because we can buy Steam keys from all over the place. I don't think I've paid full RRP price from Steam, ever. My total says £2159 over 10 years but I reckon it will be a 1/2th of that value tops, most likely a 1/3rd.

Maybe I should start trawling the credit card statements for the past 10 years but keep the total number well away from the missus. :cool:
My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: £1855 (£504 with sales)
  • Games owned: 172
  • Games not played: 37 (22%)
  • Hours on record: 3,561.4h

Spent about £20 on War Thunder, Arma 2 OA is mainly Dayz. Most of the games are from sales though, and I find it very cheap considering how much console games cost.
I cannot understand people's need to buy 100's of games they are unlikely to ever play for some kind of 'bragging rights', sure if you over the years accumulate many games that's one thing, but I have known people who scum bag $1 humble bundles every month just to fill the steam list up some more with zero intention of playing them. Baffles me.
Games owned 481
Games not played 248 (52%)
Games not in store 33
Hours on record 3,461.3h (61.7h last two weeks)

I really need to work on that figure... 52% of games not played... wow
Steam veteran incoming:


I don't think it's entirely accurate. I clocked up hundreds of hours on CS:S many moons ago, but it only appears to have 27.3h on record?
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I cannot understand people's need to buy 100's of games they are unlikely to ever play for some kind of 'bragging rights', sure if you over the years accumulate many games that's one thing, but I have known people who scum bag $1 humble bundles every month just to fill the steam list up some more with zero intention of playing them. Baffles me.

That is a bit weird.

Personally, I only really buy bundles, and only buy the ones with games I want to play. And only tend to add to Steam the games in the bundle which I want to play.

But... I have so little time for gaming (approx 10-12 hrs/month), I will never get to play most of them. So loads go unplayed.

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: £866 (£205 with sales)
  • Games owned: 82
  • Games not played: 56 (68%)
  • Hours on record: 202.1h
56 of 82 unplayed!
Played more than I thought, with non steam games I have nearly 500 games lol

* Worth:£4637 (£1375 with sales)
* Games owned:373
* Games not played:161 (43%)
* Hours on record:1,496.5h
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