Are you cheap? Share your cheapness stories here!

BUSH said:
being nominated driver I have no problem with, your saving them money and soft drinks don't cost much. My problem is people who its all take and no give. Worst thing is someone I know who insisted we get a taxi back, when we were up for walking back, then refused to pay for it, could have knocked his lights out.

Yeah, that's pretty bang out of order. I'd have been pretty pee'd about that as well.. I tend to drive my mates into the cities so they can enjoy the more active night life. Otherwise they'd be stuck with a nice taxi bill.

I don't mind driving them, but I do love the fact I'm getting pretty cheap night out. When they are spending upwards of £100 I'm sitting pretty on a tenner..!! Plus they all chip in for fuel.

And trying to save energy cost in my home I think is just good advice all round at the moment.. Those bill needs paying, gotta save where you can..
I steal the milk out of cups of tea so I can sell it on :p

To be honest I really should be a bit more cheap. I spend a few quid extra on something here and there with the attitude that 'It's only a couple of quid' but it really does add up.
One thing i usually hate doing is paying to park! If i know the area i will walk for miles to prevent me having to pay. In over 2 years of drivin you could count the number of times ive paid to park on your fingers.
I waited 4 years for tiberan sun, i played the demo and LOVED it but always a little "too much" so 4 years after coming out i got it for;

$1.99 which by todays xchange rate is 77p!
This thread is inspiring me to save money :p i quite often buy sandwiches from the restaurant at work and put the car through a hand car wash but i think now i'll start saving some pennies.

Im getting rid of my CTR soon anyway as i have a cheaper way of getting to work so that will be a big start.
No not really. I was in the past when I was living on my parents money however since I have started making a decent income I seem to have changed. I am trying very hard to cut back but its not easy. If I go out I always end up paying for other peoples drinks so now I only go out from time to time and with really good friends and not just random people. I stopped hanging out with the plastic girls with LV bags which has save me a LOT of money, but overall I have just made a big lifestyle change.

I want to buy my first home so I am making some cutbacks, I started drinking tap water, eating out less (down to 3 times per week from once or twice a day), dinking less. I have even got my self a Makro card so I can buy in bulk lol

If only I could bring my self to get rid of my car that would cover the mortgage payments however I don’t think I will be doing that anytime soon.

The way I see it is if you don’t need the money for any commitments its there to spend on your self and your friends. I know one of the students who comes home after a night out and is really happy because he had 'x' number of drinks and did not pay for any. I really really dont like people like this especially if you can afford to pay.
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I am so cheap I...

a) Have £5 topup last me at least 1 and half months, maybe a few more and only text when necesary, always make mobile phone calls a few seconds long.

b) Will avoid drinking too much alcohol in a night out, and try to make use of cheap drink nights in clubs, or free drinks I get in functions. Although,I will buy someone a drink if they buy me one and they accept the offer.

c) Never buy camera equipment new and always buy it at least second hand or from ebay. I also haggle when I see fit.

d). Always buy clothes in sales. I rarely buy them when they're in season. Then I show them my NUS card.

e). Spend only £10-£13 a week on food for myself. Less if I can.

f). Walk home if I am sober enough. If not, I'll drink one or two pints of water towards the end of the night so I am fit enough to walk home.

g). Always buy CDs in sales, showing my NUS and HMV student card, or from online websites.

h). Will always save any cash I have on me 'for tomorrow'.

i) Always travel off-peak even if it means getting into work too early or a little late.

j). Always upgrade my computer when I need to. I also only buy at the cheapest price I can find.

I can't think of anything else at the moment. I'll edit when necesary though!
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Im cheap when it comes to heating and lighting. If the wife is home in the morning and im out I dont have the heating on and I'm always going on at my wife for leaving lights on in a room once she's left :p

I just realised that makes me sound more like a wife abuser than a penny pincher! :D
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I'm a bit of an engima, I'll look to save money in some areas but be incredibly wastful in others.

For example, like others I'll sneak in my own snacks to the cinema where possible, saving maybe a quid or two. And yet, I'm prepared to go and eat meals at restaurants, meaning I'm £20 down just for one meal in an average place.

I wouldn't say I'm tight because over the years I've bought more drinks for other people than I've received myself. But I just like to buy "good value" stuff. The most expensive single component I've bought for my computer was a monitor I splashed £235 on 6 years ago.

Clothing is a good example of where I'm a spendthrift. I don't think I've ever spent over £50 on one item of clothing, and I go literally months without buying any at all. During which time, I probably waste hundreds on buying lunch (usually around £3-4 a day). So what I save in one area, I lose in another.

Generally speaking my style of managing my finances seems to work, for now. I don't budget at all, never have, because I know that I don't spend beyond my means. So my monthly expenditure varies wildly by a few hundred quid quite often. I've never really understood the people who are living for their next paycheque.... "nah I'm not out this weekend, can't afford it, gotta wait until payday..." basically I just potter along and spend money if I want to. I've got around double my annual salary in savings so I could go and buy all those shiny new toys everyone else seems to have.... a flashy pc, plasma monitor and flashy wardrobe, but I just don't reckon they are worth the money.
Mohinder said:
Our jetwash and lawnmower run on BP Ultimate :D

Don't know what you are grinning at, it were your lawnmower! :D

I have heard of some great ones about this teacher at my school:

He only fills his car up at night or on cold days so less petrol is lost by evapouration.

When he goes shopping he takes the heads & leaves off strawberries and things like that so they weigh less.

Now that be tight. :p
iv-tecman said:
3. NEVER flush the toilet after going for a pee.. Only flush when it’s brown. Saves water.
Dude that's vile. And unhygienic. And probably doesn't save you much (don't you have the option to pay rates?). I consider myself enviromentally conscious (I recycle, I use energy-saving lightbulbs etc) but I'd never do that.
Bet you don't wash your hands afterwards either. And use the eco-warrior excuse for that too!:D
Tommy B said:
When I was a kid, my Mum refused to pay for Popcorn, and so we used to take sweets and chocolate into the cinema! Now THAT is cheap!!!

I used to go to a cinema with a sweet shop round the corner, back when they still existed. Whenever I went with my friends, we'd go into the shop first and grab a quarter of sweets each for a fraction of the price of popcorn ;).
manveruppd said:
Dude that's vile. And unhygienic. And probably doesn't save you much (don't you have the option to pay rates?). I consider myself enviromentally conscious (I recycle, I use energy-saving lightbulbs etc) but I'd never do that.
Ken Livingstone, mayor of London, is urging people to do that!
Tommy B said:
When I was a kid, my Mum refused to pay for Popcorn, and so we used to take sweets and chocolate into the cinema! Now THAT is cheap!!!

Same here :cool:

It... uh... taught me the value of money, or something.
I'm quite the opposite but my landlord is pathologically disturbed when it comes to money. He once took my used razer blades out of the bathroom bin and started re-using them. :(

Like i said...pathological! Perhaps it's a reflex response to being screwed over in two divorce settlements!
I buy ONLY Morrisons own brand jam tarts because:

1) They are the pinnacle of tasty
2) 22p for a pack of 6 !!!!!!!!!!!
3) The pinnacle of tasty again

I don't buy own brand cheap stuff for anything else though ¬_¬

I certainly don't buy cheap looroll :eek: :eek: :eek: - Hate sore bums :(
zain said:
I try to avoid tight people who actually have the money -.-

Spongebob Joke here *LOOK AWAY NOW*

"Some people are so cheap, they cant even PAY attention"

*Puts head down in shame and walks away*

It's ok, it was a Mr.T quote looooooooooong before it was a yellow porous cuboid one.
The other day I only had 60p on me and knew perfectly well burgers are 99p :(. So I went into a grocery store and manged to pick up a pack of biscuits and a KitKat! Bargain although I wasn't really hungry just bored.
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