Are you cheap? Share your cheapness stories here!

Would'nt say I'm very cheap, do hate wasteing money on things I don't get the value out of mind, also I'm terrible for resurching things before buying them it usally takes me weeks before purchaseing something semi-big (TV, TFT, cd player etc etc)

More than happy to spend my money on things that give me a smile, spend far to much going out and having a good time but I always think having money when I'm dead seems like a waste.
Aliboy said:
I can easily get £10 of mobile phone credit to last me a year :D

Damn, I can only get £20 to last me a month, and that's in a good month :o When we stay at hotels and travel inns etc, we always clean out all the little pots of milk, coffee, sugar and stuff that they give you with the tea set thingy in your room and also all the soap and shampoo in the pretty little wrappers :D
I recently ran out of socks, so I went to tesco and bought 16 pairs of Tesco value socks at 65p for two pairs.

I usually go for the tesco value food too, but thats only because I am a student.

1. Every single bulb in the house is an energy saver.
2. Tesco most evenings @1930 for the eat-now-or-die bargains.
3. BOGOFs, bulk, special offers and stock up. I haven't paid full rpice for a jar of coffee in over two years! :)
4. Collect chunks of scrap aluminium, copper and brass until there's enough to make it worth weighing in. £20 from the windows in my old flat when they replaced them with uPVC.
5. Don't use buses unless my youngest has to go on the bus. I'll walk the 7 miles home after dropping her off at her mother's if we aren't going on our bikes.
6. Only have the HW & heating on when the kids are here.
7. Visit friends for a smoke and a drink rather than go to the pub.
8. Pay the max I can afford off the CC each month.
9. Use daylight rather than electric light.
10. Pressure cooker & microwave rather than hob & oven/grill.
11. Make loads extra when I do a risotto or pasta dish, then ding a portion next mealtime.
Psyk said:
I always avoid buying people drinks. Some people spend so much money because after a few drinks they buy drinks for everyone. Not me, I'm cheap.

This could be massively annoying though, are you in a round system? If you only ever buy your own drinks and never get into a round system then fair enough be as frugal with your money as you like. However if you are in a round system(even loosely) then buy your share back. I normally end up in a round system with my mates every time we go out which is fine as we drink at roughly the same pace, however when other people join in then they should always buy drinks back. :)

I wouldn't say I was particularly cheap, I do however simply try not to spend more than I have.
Che said:
Ken Livingstone, mayor of London, is urging people to do that!
Well if you've got THAT much of a water shortage you should give Ken a thwack on the head with the election bat and send him home to his brown-watered toilet! I come from Cyprus which is a dry arid wilderness and I don't know ANYONE who doesn't flush after they pee, whether for ecological or economical reasons!
I'm not cheap at all, in the last 10 years I've spent a small fortune on things I didn't need. The only cut back I can think of is changing cigarette brands, saving a few pence per pack. I do save my silver and copper money, cashing it in every 6 months, usually comes to around £100 a year.

semi-pro waster said:
This could be massively annoying though, are you in a round system? If you only ever buy your own drinks and never get into a round system then fair enough be as frugal with your money as you like. However if you are in a round system(even loosely) then buy your share back. I normally end up in a round system with my mates every time we go out which is fine as we drink at roughly the same pace, however when other people join in then they should always buy drinks back. :)

I wouldn't say I was particularly cheap, I do however simply try not to spend more than I have.
I was thinking the same thing. If I go out during the week with a couple of mates we'll buy a round or two each, everyone spends exactly the same and you don't look like a tight bugger. If it's a big weekend sesh, a tenner goes in the kitty and it last for ages. Nothing worse than someone not getting a round in, imo.
The Warner Village cinema here in OCuk-on-Trent caused a big ruck last year. They were stopping people taking their own food & drink in the screenings as it was hitting the profits on the in-house shop.

I think at one point they made you open any bags to check you were trying to smuggle anything in.
I'm not cheap, I think i'm just slightly careful with my money. I spend whatever I want on whatever I want but refuse to spend large amounts of money on things that have a cheaper alternative. I find this especially with clothes. I refuse to pay ridecelous prices when it comes to clothing and often shop in Primark, Matalan and mandm sports online. I find that what I wear is identical to all my friends except a fraction of the price and lasts me just as long. Same goes with footwear. The most i'd spend on a pair of shoes is £30/£40 and that's pushing it. I'd shop around for the cheapest prices before making a big purchase such as a new camera and things like that. I think this is just because I don't have very much money and therefore have to make it stretch but spending money makes me VERY happy and that's what it's for.

I can't stand these people that save and save and live below a standard they can afford just so they can have thousands in the bank. If your not saving up for something then spend it, it's no use when your dead!
I read this thread before and couldn't think of anything to put, apart from maybe getting all the BOGOF offers at the supermarket rather than making a list of specific things I want. However, having just been to the supermarket I did something that made me think of this thread; I remove the stalks from tomatoes and the loose skin from onions because I can't bear to pay for the parts I'm just going to throw away. :o Good job I don't get bananas that often...
semi-pro waster said:
This could be massively annoying though, are you in a round system? If you only ever buy your own drinks and never get into a round system then fair enough be as frugal with your money as you like. However if you are in a round system(even loosely) then buy your share back. I normally end up in a round system with my mates every time we go out which is fine as we drink at roughly the same pace, however when other people join in then they should always buy drinks back. :)

I wouldn't say I was particularly cheap, I do however simply try not to spend more than I have.
Yeah don't usually do rounds. Usually out with too many friends for it to work.
Never done rounds, the fact you can go in 6 or 7 different bars and clubs where the price can jump from £1.80 a pint to £2.50 etc. for bottle and sprits.

Some people are really cheap on here, so cheap that i bet they are saving a few pennies.

When I was younger i would drop 1p 2p on the floor, now i just save them in a big tin and cash them in at summer.
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