Are you in a happy relationship?

25 Sep 2009
Sick of 'i have relationship issues' threads, not everyone on OcUk are unhappy. Haha Join the im a happy person in a relationship with no issues thread.
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I am and I am getting married in 2 weeks. :eek:

The secret is when you have a difference of opinion, to laugh out loud and kiss them until they stop moaning. They forget all about it and life is happy again.

Here is the truest thing anyone ever said to me:

"all women without exception are nutters, the trick is finding one who is least afflicted"
I'm in a happy relationship yes, but it's not been easy.

It started a year ago, this new girl started at work, she was cute, she seemed fun, i was with someone though and i later found out she was engaged. Thought nothing of it. I broke up with my gf not long after that and became good friends with new girl, i even got an invite to the wedding in march

The wedding was great, i was happy for her, although a voice in my head was saying 'damn, that was a goodun'. Roll on a few months later and things are not going well for the newly weds, i found out later that the wedding very nearly didn't happen due to the husband being unsure about wanting to get married.

So anyway, while they were having problems i was loving the single life, going out loads and this girl started to come along more and more. We flirted in the office, started emailing, texting, chatting lots until one drunken night we had a quick snog. Her friend dragged her away and a couple of days later the husband found out. As it turns out it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. THey had a talk about things and agreed to give things one last try.

It didn't work, i'm smashing her pasty.
Married 5 years. Known my wife nearly 8 years now. Relationship not at it's happiest, but stable at least. About the best we can hope for with two young kids, with me studying all the time and just recovering from depression. For better, for worse indeed.
The secret is when you have a difference of opinion, to laugh out loud and kiss them until they stop moaning. They forget all about it and life is happy again.

Here is the truest thing anyone ever said to me:

"all women without exception are nutters, the trick is finding one who is least afflicted"

Pretty much spot on!

Been with my missus for just shy of 3 years and can't imagine being without her, we emigrated to New Zealand about 5 months ago and would have gone mad by ourselves but instead it's been an awesome adventure and we're now settled with jobs and a new house on the horizon :)
To answer the thread title - yes :)

Been with her for almost 14 years, engaged for 10 years, married now for just over 4 years and perfectly happy. Though we're not seeing much of each other due to work and uni commitments I love her to bits and couldn't imagine my life without her :D

It didn't work, i'm smashing her pasty.

Read you're whole story and genuinely lol'd at the last sentence :p
Yes, I started out in my current relationship half hearted, I was single not getting any luck with the ladies until the current gf asked me out for a walk on the beach out of the blue, never met her before. She wasn't my type but I thought sod it let's give it a go. Five years later I'm working up to spending that two months salary on some shiny rocks.
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