there you go.
Here Womb
Here Womb
Methinks there is a compatabillity problem with Longest day and 1.02 ( hence the fing about )
New version 1.03 is available , emailing to L33 along with several other new missions
L33 , the 12 player map needs deleting , it dont work with 1.01 or higher (forest ambush)
22 Although some players have been kicked rather than banned, but I notice each night there are less and less idiots on the serverQuick question , how many lines are there in the ban.txt file ?
Soooo many knobs , so little time
22 , damn it felt like more
I know I definately will beare we playing tongiht?
I was standing on the hill near that house thinking, that chopper is going very fast and very low.... then even lower and even faster..... OH **** RUNI totally don't have any recollection of ever crashing any air vehicles.. ever.. I am safe!