Arma 2 multiplayer arranging thread

Thanks mate

SCREAMS and shakes fist at sky

Damn you BIS

Apparently it uses a variable index this time round ( so its still stuck in German for me )
Hmmm that was a lot of fun tonight, bit confusing at times but there were real moments of magic. Need to sort out my map, im presuming its a vet setting that it has absolutely no info on it, didnt aid first time multiplayer. Finished up the evening by blowing away two friendlies at the factory - sorry jon and bingo i think it was, fog of war and all that - but a real glimpse of the potential of this game. Good stuff.
Gentlemen A big thanks to all those taking part

Had 30 People on the server , nearly all working well together

Objectives were done and pilots yet again did an amazing job

A few tk's here and there but not too many , still had to ban a few knob ends mind u
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That was just awesome tonight. That last mission (longest day?) the amount of teamwork at the start was amazing, took out the radar then got chopper dropoff about 500m south of factory, about 10 of us all moving slowly up the railway line towards the factory, 2 move while 2 cover etc we made mince meat of the enemy!
Gonna pick up a new mic tomorrow so I can actually be of some use on TS :)
good fun as normal, that last mission was a bit meh, not a lot of real action and long travel times, meant going back and forth to re-arm charges lol, i dont think ive had this much fun in a fps in a long while.
The longest day mission assaulting the factory was fun - if you were in the first wave. There was a bunch of enemy infantry defence and two BTR's but they were wiped out pretty quick. There was then a stream of enemy infantry trying to flank left, but they ran right into us advancing. Thats when the TKs happened, a group of friendlies coming up behind the enemy through the factory.

But once the enemy were depatched it was a pretty painful job of running back and forth and getting explosives and blowing up buildings etc. If there were about 3 times the number of enemy (possible?) that would be a crazy map. But as it was it was a pretty quick romp.
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Methinks there is a compatabillity problem with Longest day and 1.02 ( hence the fing about )

New version 1.03 is available , emailing to L33 along with several other new missions

L33 , the 12 player map needs deleting , it dont work with 1.01 or higher (forest ambush)
Methinks there is a compatabillity problem with Longest day and 1.02 ( hence the fing about )

New version 1.03 is available , emailing to L33 along with several other new missions

L33 , the 12 player map needs deleting , it dont work with 1.01 or higher (forest ambush)

That map is too awesome at the start in the morning darkness on the carrier deck. Just needs more missions and ones that work.
I will have to come and have a game with you guys and may I be cheeky and take the oppertunity to pimp our server but your welcome to visit my clans server. We welcome any team players and tend to lock our server once we have a good crew on.
Ok small updates to server:
  • All coop missions less than 30 players removed (thanks wombraider & taggart for pointing them out!)
  • 10 new missions added (thanks wombraider, added 7 of your 8 but one was co07)
  • Updated CO30-The Longest Day to v1.03, hopefully will fix the factory bug (man how many satchels did we use in total?! :D)
  • Removed 3rd person view from higher difficulty levels as requested
  • Another attempt at optimizing the bandwidth settings, hopefully should see less yellow/red links.

Oh and I picked up a new microphone, so see you on TS :)
Sweet dude , see you later on

Quick question , how many lines are there in the ban.txt file ?

Soooo many knobs , so little time :-)

You should leave a couple of small player number missions (its good when there are only a few to play)
Try taking on a big mission when you only got 4 guys .. lol (its brief to say the least)
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Quick question , how many lines are there in the ban.txt file ?
Soooo many knobs , so little time :-)
22 :) Although some players have been kicked rather than banned, but I notice each night there are less and less idiots on the server :)

Just going to add a small section on the first post about rules etc. Well not rules but guidelines. Nothing more annoying than a team leader who just ****s off and does his own thing leaving his team to wander round wondering what to do...
I've got around 150 screenshots from the MP games we've played but here are a few good'uns resized :) Starting with gord making friends with some trees in his blackhawk :D

are we playing tongiht?
I know I definately will be :)

I totally don't have any recollection of ever crashing any air vehicles.. ever.. I am safe!
I was standing on the hill near that house thinking, that chopper is going very fast and very low.... then even lower and even faster..... OH **** RUN :D
Admittedly though when we have yourself and that Hammer guy as pilots we just don't know how easy we have it. When the pair of you left the 2 new pilots were complete rejects!
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