Full server & ventrilo details, rules, FAQ and member-only section etc etc can be found at
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Yes you can[TW]Taggart;14309420 said:ill join up when im home... ty for the server hosting..
Does anyone know if u can play the campain coop on a server? hosting localy laggs with more than one player....
I'll be playing tonight, will probably be later though (after 10pm). Jump on the xfire/steam groups if you haven't alreadyanyone up for it tonight?
Dude, I replied asking how best to get in touch with you to sort the configs out!!Advice
IF L33 would like to configure the server properly I can help him ( as I HAVE OFFERED TO DO A FEW TIMES NOW )
Server 1.02 seems pretty unstable compared to 1.01[TW]Taggart;14331386 said:SERVER crashed on evo after 3 hours
Just had a look and he's not on there now. Apologies I was out.[TW]Taggart;14330121 said:can we get an admin on the server a guy called otis is being a moron and shooting up base and spawn killing
To combat this is it worth passwording the server?
Dude you are a star, thank you I will get the configs uploaded tonight and will email you over the password.@ L33
Check your email dude , I resent the arma2 dedicated server stuff to you
Any problems give me a shout and I will help you out
Most config stuff is documented , but If you are unsure I should know.
That was nothing to do with me, Arma 2 just crashed.Jesus L33
There were 30 of us playing
Could have waited until later to update the config dude
Greetings is part of the action menu when you get close to another player, it is what it says on the tin (a greeting) - if you select it, you'll say hi or whateverwas there ai friendlies in the server? it seems they was. i mean the heli pilots where acting like ai's and the fact that everyone around me was just standing there with there names all called "greetings"
Nice work, I read something similar on the BIS forums earlier. Also read that cadetmode=0 setting is no longer used so I've removed that from the config as it just generates errors in the log.Dude , I contacted the head programmer of Arma2 and he gave me some usefull info
// for missions the difficulty levels can be set as either:
// Recruit , Regular , Veteran , Expert
class Mission01
template = co50_AirCavA2.Chernarus;
difficulty = "Veteran";
So we can set map difficulty levels just right for auto load of missions
I have also been experimenting with difficulty settings to tier the hardness
a bit better , I will report back later on.
Will do.Grab it and stick it on the server dude , sounds good
The arma2 server config wiki badly needs creating / updating
Some of the difficulty setting are currently un-documented
class veteran
class Flags
You need to make/download a custom face.jpg, search google for 'Arma face.jpg' or 'Arma custom face'Wombraiders eyes are deffo not "standard" so yes to being able to mod your appearance, but i don't have the answer as to how i'm afraid.
It all makes sense now At one point yesterday I was prone, readying a shot on a rifleman probably about 500m away with my M24 sniper, took one shot and just missed, he immediately spun 180 degrees and killed me with 1 shot from an AK!All I really need is mirrored aviators for flying my helicopter..
As for the difficulty, that looks good L33.. I can't believe we've had it on 1 though for precision? No wonder they immediately cane us as soon as someone shoots..
Hold right mouse button down or change it to something else in options, I have it bound to a side-button on my mouse.holding your breath? wtf? how?