Arma 3 Epoch Thread

Got it working using the a3launcher jumped on the mgt atlis server got a couple of things from lockers and cabinets.....walk up a hill boom shot by someone just camping the main village in full gear :(
Dave beasts MGT servers are your best bet imo.

Nice one, I have a character on the Cherno server post 301 patch. :) Will have to try and get on some more and squad up. Drop me a steam add in my sig anyone that plays.

Playing PVE at the minute getting to grips with things, not sure how I would handle the threat of PVP, the sappers and UAV's are enough at the minute! :D
Added a discrete player bar at the bottom

Been playing on your MGT server for the last week or so, seems very low pop barely seen another player!
Crashed a few choppers though, I suck at flying lol
Since Epoch 0301 and Arma 1.42 performance took a hit, so much so we had to reduce player slots from 100 to 70, now with Epoch 0303 and Arma 1.42 performance is getting slightly better, we've increased the slots back to 80.

What server are you playing on, Epoch Altis gets full at peak times?
This game is so sexy, I have been playing Overpoch mod on CCG servers.

I love how smooth the game runs! Even on a 100man wasteland server I get amazing frames.

Just a short clip: looks amazing, overpoch on A3 is great even mundane things like looting is fun lmao.

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