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- 17 Oct 2006
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- Aviemore, Cairngorms, Scottish Highlands
Thought this might help people
Interacting with the world
Using your inventory key will allow you to access various menus/items such as; Vendors, Trashpiles, Inventory, Vehicles, Lootable items etc.
World Objects; These are objects such as trashpiles found throughout the map (Looks: Garbage bags, trashpile, trashcan, bags, baskets etc.)
Debug Menu; Press "~" to bring up the debug menu (Here you get a great overview of your "stats")
Krypto; The worlds currency ! You can buy/sell items at vendors to gain/spend Krypto !
Gold/Silver; Like ArmA 2 Epoch we still have gold and silver bars (Dropped by Sappers) These can be sold to traders in exchange for Krypto (More importantly, they can be stored)
Utility items
Scrap metal (Large/Small); These are used for a variety of craftable items (See crafting)
MultiGun; The multigun is a powerful tool that allows the player to do various tasks such as revive, repair and heal, the MultiGun uses energy/energy packs as ammo (Found one in a trashpile)
Moist Towlette; In a dirty world you need to keep clean! These are used as a cleaning material (See debug monitor "soiled" for stats)
Cold Pack / Heat Pack; These items either raises or lowers your body temperature
Fire place = 2 Wooden Logs
Lumber Pack = 2 Wooden Logs
Wooden Stud Wall = 4 Lumber Packs
Wooden Floor = 4 Lumber Packs
Wooden Stairs = 4 Lumber Packs
Tipi Kit = 4 Scrap Pelt + 2 Lumber Packs
Frequency Jammer (Plotpole) = 3 Salvage Metal (Large)
Salvage Metal (Large) = 3 Salvage Metal (Small) (Found in trashpiles)
Vehicle Repair Kit = 1 Vehicle Repair Parts + 1 Salvage Metal (Large)
Cinder Block Wall = 4 Cinder Blocks + 2 Bucket of Mortar
Cinder Wall Full Upgrade = Cinder Block Wall + 2 Cinder blocks + 1 Bucket of Motar
Cinder Block Locked Garage Door = 1 Fully upgraded cinder wall + 1 Electronic Compenent + 1 Large Salvage Metal
Wooden Wall Doorway = 1 Upgraded Wooden wall + 1 Lumber Pack
Wooden Door w/o Lock = 1 Wooden Wall Doorway + 1 Small salvaged metal
Wooden Door w/ Lock = Wooden Door w/o Lock + 1 Small Salvaged Metal + 1 Electronic Component
Chainsaw Gas = 1 Jerrycan + 1 2-Stroke-Engine-Oil
Foundation = 4 Bucket of Motar
Upgraded Wooden Wall = 1 Salvaged metal (press Ctrl + Inventory key, and select upgrade)
7 days extended periode on Upgraded Wooden Wall = Walk up to the walk hit Inventory double click a can of paint and press "Use"
Jar of water = 1 Empty jar + Water Barrel/Fountain (Walk up to the barrel/fountain press Inventory, double click on your empty jar and craft) (REUSEABLE)
Vehicle Repair Kit = 1 Vehicle Repair Parts + 1 Small Salvaged Metal
Shipment containers; Contains salvaged metal, bucket of motar, cinder blocks, backpacks etc. (Are marked as a red dot on the map)
Epi Center: Requires a sledgehammer, Walk up to the node at the epicenter and smash the hell out of it, continue untill "Search" option shows
Traders are located around the map (Marked with orange) These traders are not like the ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch traders with a set amount of item. Nope - ArmA 3 Epoch traders only sells items/vehicles that players have sold to the trader
Sapper: A humanoid without arms, these guys explode when they get close to you! Juke and jive them to avoid getting annihilated or shoot them in the face from a distance.
Cultist: Cultist appear at night, they are wearing a black shrud and will throw a "Fireball" at you! They appear when your Soiled level is above 80.
Drone/AI: Drones let you know they are there, they have a very distict sound to them! Kill it before they transmit your location to a group of AI soldiers (Usually 3-5).
Lockbox; Yes.. It's real :sick: The legendary and shy lockbox does indeed exsist! You can loot them under beds, but chances are very slim! (Once you get it you can place it down, only you and group members will be able to unlock/lock it)
Churches; yields some very good loot (Weapon case etc)
Military Compounds; Great loot here!
Trash piles/Interactable stuff (Dumpsters/Wooden crates, Trash cans etc.)
Interacting with the world
Using your inventory key will allow you to access various menus/items such as; Vendors, Trashpiles, Inventory, Vehicles, Lootable items etc.
World Objects; These are objects such as trashpiles found throughout the map (Looks: Garbage bags, trashpile, trashcan, bags, baskets etc.)
Debug Menu; Press "~" to bring up the debug menu (Here you get a great overview of your "stats")
Krypto; The worlds currency ! You can buy/sell items at vendors to gain/spend Krypto !
Gold/Silver; Like ArmA 2 Epoch we still have gold and silver bars (Dropped by Sappers) These can be sold to traders in exchange for Krypto (More importantly, they can be stored)
Utility items
Scrap metal (Large/Small); These are used for a variety of craftable items (See crafting)
MultiGun; The multigun is a powerful tool that allows the player to do various tasks such as revive, repair and heal, the MultiGun uses energy/energy packs as ammo (Found one in a trashpile)
Moist Towlette; In a dirty world you need to keep clean! These are used as a cleaning material (See debug monitor "soiled" for stats)
Cold Pack / Heat Pack; These items either raises or lowers your body temperature
Fire place = 2 Wooden Logs
Lumber Pack = 2 Wooden Logs
Wooden Stud Wall = 4 Lumber Packs
Wooden Floor = 4 Lumber Packs
Wooden Stairs = 4 Lumber Packs
Tipi Kit = 4 Scrap Pelt + 2 Lumber Packs
Frequency Jammer (Plotpole) = 3 Salvage Metal (Large)
Salvage Metal (Large) = 3 Salvage Metal (Small) (Found in trashpiles)
Vehicle Repair Kit = 1 Vehicle Repair Parts + 1 Salvage Metal (Large)
Cinder Block Wall = 4 Cinder Blocks + 2 Bucket of Mortar
Cinder Wall Full Upgrade = Cinder Block Wall + 2 Cinder blocks + 1 Bucket of Motar
Cinder Block Locked Garage Door = 1 Fully upgraded cinder wall + 1 Electronic Compenent + 1 Large Salvage Metal
Wooden Wall Doorway = 1 Upgraded Wooden wall + 1 Lumber Pack
Wooden Door w/o Lock = 1 Wooden Wall Doorway + 1 Small salvaged metal
Wooden Door w/ Lock = Wooden Door w/o Lock + 1 Small Salvaged Metal + 1 Electronic Component
Chainsaw Gas = 1 Jerrycan + 1 2-Stroke-Engine-Oil
Foundation = 4 Bucket of Motar
Upgraded Wooden Wall = 1 Salvaged metal (press Ctrl + Inventory key, and select upgrade)
7 days extended periode on Upgraded Wooden Wall = Walk up to the walk hit Inventory double click a can of paint and press "Use"
Jar of water = 1 Empty jar + Water Barrel/Fountain (Walk up to the barrel/fountain press Inventory, double click on your empty jar and craft) (REUSEABLE)
Vehicle Repair Kit = 1 Vehicle Repair Parts + 1 Small Salvaged Metal
Shipment containers; Contains salvaged metal, bucket of motar, cinder blocks, backpacks etc. (Are marked as a red dot on the map)
Epi Center: Requires a sledgehammer, Walk up to the node at the epicenter and smash the hell out of it, continue untill "Search" option shows
Traders are located around the map (Marked with orange) These traders are not like the ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch traders with a set amount of item. Nope - ArmA 3 Epoch traders only sells items/vehicles that players have sold to the trader
Sapper: A humanoid without arms, these guys explode when they get close to you! Juke and jive them to avoid getting annihilated or shoot them in the face from a distance.
Cultist: Cultist appear at night, they are wearing a black shrud and will throw a "Fireball" at you! They appear when your Soiled level is above 80.
Drone/AI: Drones let you know they are there, they have a very distict sound to them! Kill it before they transmit your location to a group of AI soldiers (Usually 3-5).
Lockbox; Yes.. It's real :sick: The legendary and shy lockbox does indeed exsist! You can loot them under beds, but chances are very slim! (Once you get it you can place it down, only you and group members will be able to unlock/lock it)
Churches; yields some very good loot (Weapon case etc)
Military Compounds; Great loot here!
Trash piles/Interactable stuff (Dumpsters/Wooden crates, Trash cans etc.)