Arma 3 Epoch Thread

I know this is random on a thread for arma3 but what launcher should I use for Overpoch with arma2? be awesome to play with some friendlies for a change! sick of SA.
I got myself a key last night and i have to say from what one of the Devs said about it only being about 10% complete so far it is pretty damn good. It runs fantastic. The spectors (or what ever they are called) are creepy as hell. Dogs are a bit annoying and the game really doesn't need them but they add a bit more fear to the atmosphere.

The Ai needs toning down a bit because they are mostly one hit killers. Looting system is nice too. Lots of extra places to look out for and get some well needed goodies.

All in all i'm impressed with the small amount done so far. Can't wait to see how it progresses :)
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Witcher, aren't you coming back to Altis Life? You moaned about it :P. I even put in some 'base' building in there. You can place walls, gates, towers, garages, chairs etc and it all saves.
Witcher, aren't you coming back to Altis Life? You moaned about it :P. I even put in some 'base' building in there. You can place walls, gates, towers, garages, chairs etc and it all saves.

When I moaned about TJ? I still think that was stupid, opens a new mod on the server then the first weekend arranges arma 3 mission nights on the Fri/Sat to take players away that could populate AL and bring players in on a server that is dieing.......I know it is not 100% ready but it is open to the public to play. I also did moan about cops searching when not wanted etc, but that was just input as to why I personally left the first time around.

As for playing Life again hell no, lost to much time the first time around, good work on the base building though m8 and good luck with the new server.
When you finish work and you have free time you must play on THIS server and not on the server you want to play on or the games you want to play or ELSE you are a BAD ADMIN dooming things to fail.


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Give them a chance m8 sure they will get to that when they can, loot spawning is probs last on the list atm, sure they have other stuff to work on first.
Yeh played it for a about 30 minutes and overall experience was appalling.

Went to two big towns, no loot anywhere, every building empty, went pygos military base, literally every building empty.

It's like running around in the editor... Nothing to do
jump in the editor and run around going into empty buildings for a couple of hours and you will get the same gameplay experience
You guys do know it is early alpha right? I should think the testing atm is just to test how stable the servers are...... I would think when they open it to all the public like the other mods the simple stuff like loot will be working.
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