I think the real question here is:
Why was Axel given $2K by a single server hosting company and who else on the team was given this or similar especially if they were being given free server hosting by the companies to. I'm pretty sure the BI terms are against this. I'm also pretty sure that all the files are supposed to be public (when released/out of testing which if you look at DayZ will be never

) and not given to cherry picked hosting companies.
I thought it was suspicious when I took this screenshot of their donation box:
Apart from being an awful company (I have experience with them), I suspected this was happening with many other companies as shows of good faith to secure their ability to host and make money from being a handful of hosting companies given more publicity to earn more money, the Epoch devs arent stupid and they'll see this so they will want a cut, as proven by the fact that Axel 'lost' $2K.
This is more important because the 'head dev' over at Epoch posted this a long time ago:
http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php...osed-to-be-given-without-return-consideration and caused quite a bit of a stir. I hope now that they have clearly received money for their work and rightly so of course but I hope they see that server hosting isn't cheap and that communities need to be able to accept donations, though they shouldn't be making money.. CCG for example.
I also suspect that there will be an application process for hosting Arma 3 Epoch servers and this process will ban you from having donation modules and perks, which is good and bad.. I hate pay2win but it will kill communities off or there just won't be as many hosts.. other than cheap pre-made servers with poor and slow support, so only those with the ability to pay for dediboxes without community support will flourish creating a cornered market, one of the main reasons I run my own servers is because I don't trust other admins (other than the ones of CPC of course!) to not be cheating scrotebags that don't like being killed. I've always said games like DayZ should be managed and hosted by companies like an MMO.. I hope H1Z1 will not be a flop.
There isn't an application that finds Arma 3 Epoch servers yet either, I'd guess there will be one made by the devs before release to cement their ability to blacklist servers that don't conform to their wishes, as soon as an application is released for quick connecting.. people finding servers in the ingame Arma 3 browser will stop happening.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if they banned you from making modifications that they didn't approve of, Epoch devs have had a habit of being against many ideas because they didnt see that the balance of them was needed and then they realised that it was the community that helped develop the mod as much as they did, examples: I had my nametags script and indestructible buildables script implemented into Arma 2 Epoch.. not code for code of course they wrote it better but its there
Overall, this reeks of Origins again.