Arma 3 Epoch Thread

so the story goes like , OCnetworks been friends with axle for a years i guess ,, but when somet doesn't go his way he kicks off treats people like poop , ive been in the TS myself when he kicked off ,,,, so ocnetworks donated 3000 dollars to axle to help him out , this was not related to epoch they already donated to the project, in return OCnetworks asked for nothing more bk ,,,,,,then one day on TS ...Axles wife told the owner of OCnetworks to **** off ,,, ocnetworks replayed back to axle u better tell your wife to say sorry cos ive just helped u out and thats how i get treated ,,, but the big headed axle stuck up for his wife and kicked off .removed there banner , ocnetworks had enough and moved on ,, got his 3000 k bk, now axle tried covering it all up saying they were bad and stuff and hiding the fact that another hoster company left, this was the one that leaked the server files, any way 2 hoster company VS the ones that stayed had amass DDos war with each other ,,, axle then did a live stream saying he will be kicked out of his flat ,,,bl bl , not realy he has a house and a job , so axle continues to make ocnetworks look bad ,,, and mass ddos war again ,,, bl bl Axle is now been sued for slander by ocnetworks
so latest news is ,,, one guy opened up the database so the public can join ,, so epoch opened it up to public ,,,,, now other hackers keep hacking the server till epoch gives them the server files lol
I might be wrong but from the majority of what I've heard so far.. I'm pretty sure the servers running leaked files can't save buildings, that and they're massively populated with hackers (saw a screenshot of 6 jets flying around together lol!).
All the legit/official servers are passworded or whitelisted as far as I know, until BIS fix a few exploits.
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Can they be fixed? you can do the exact same stuff in A2 when servers are open to the public with 0 admins to read logs. The only reason A2 had servers with no hackers was because of community hosted servers with decent admins checking logs to remove people who were cheating. They need to release the server files, this way they can carry on with the dev work and leave the cheater detection to the admins and log files. It is how it worked on Arma 2 DayZ. Although Breaking Point seems to be managing on the hacker front just fine.
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Can they be fixed? you can do the exact same stuff in A2 when servers are open to the public with 0 admins to read logs. The only reason A2 had servers with no hackers was because of community hosted servers with decent admins checking logs to remove people who were cheating. They need to release the server files, this way they can carry on with the dev work and leave the cheater detection to the admins and log files. It is how it worked on Arma 2 DayZ. Although Breaking Point seems to be managing on the hacker front just fine.

Yeah, there's a bug in A3 which makes it fairly easy to exploit and run scripts undetected as a client. BIS have acknowledged it and are working on it - I don't think it'll be long at all til it's resolved with a patch/fix.

ARMA 2 has much fewer hackers/script kiddies due to the 3rd party anti-cheat scripts and admin tools available.

Releasing server files so that anybody can download them, at this early stage, is unlikely to happen and if anything would have a negative effect. They'll be a lot more servers coming up with hackers/script kiddies everywhere. Right now I'd like to think we're doing a good job by using passwords/whitelists on the official servers.

The reason A3-Epoch is more targeted by hackers/script-kids is because the files aren't available and they want them. There's one guy specifically that has had over 30 CD-Keys banned from the servers by now..
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You could also say by not releasing server files you are killing the communities with dedi boxes who made the mod popular in the first place. They are seeing massive player drops due to the new mod and most of these communities will now shut down as they have no axxs to the new mods server files. Without those guys hosting and keeping servers clean on A2 I doubt epoch would have been as popular, feels like a kick in the teeth to those people.
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You could also say by not releasing server files you are killing the communities with dedi boxes who made the mod popular in the first place. They are seeing massive player drops due to the new mod and most of these communities will now shut down as they have no axxs to the new mods server files. Without those guys hosting and keeping servers clean on A2 I doubt epoch would have been as popular, feels like a kick in the teeth to those people.

I understand that completely, I imagine once the mod is stable/released/1.0 then the server files will be public.
It's still Alpha though.. If I were in the developers shoes I'd rather not have gameserver hosters modifying files and changing things that'll affect the experience of the players.. (Which would most definitely be the case)
Pointless having bug-reports if the files are different or have been modified per server.
Mantaray, why do you insert so many commas into your posts? Like 3 ,,, of these all the time, looks really strange when trying to read.
sorry man my literacy isnt very good , i was moved in another room at school i dont know why ,,, maybe they thought i was special needs as i only wanted to lurn stuff i wanted to lurn

but yea infistar that makes the popular admin mod /anti hack for arma 2 is currently making it for arma 3
sorry man my literacy isnt very good , i was moved in another room at school i dont know why ,,, maybe they thought i was special needs as i only wanted to lurn stuff i wanted to lurn

but yea infistar that makes the popular admin mod /anti hack for arma 2 is currently making it for arma 3

Infistar works for ARMA 3 Epoch now :)
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I believe ArmA 3 Life (can't believe there is not a thread for it on here) purchased inFistar anti hacks for their servers, and so far, it seems to be doing ok. I think it might have cost a few quid though...
Anti hack scripts will only catch those who are just buying and pushing hack buttons. Although I concede that's probably most of them!

Still, in my view they aren't that good. They spawn lots of wait untils to watch for specific GUI IDs and so eat into fps since this wait until must be checked every frame for true. Okay some are reasonable and sleep for a second or so. They also spawn wait untils to check if a variable is null. Any decent scripter would change the variable names (I guess I concede here again 99% are buy and play again).

Good use of Battleye filters is the way to go (I'm aware of the exploit with create unit inits to bypass filters). It doesn't eat into client fps. I would log and kick for everything and then do a manual whitelisting. For example, kick and log for all createDialogs and addActions, but exempt those legimate ones. Perhaps tedious and time consuming, but if you want good security! You can't overwrite functions in Arma 3 if they are in the functions library or have compile final on them so it's not possible to trick the filter by naming your hack function to a legitimate one (could in A2, no compileFinal). The amount of admin tools that don't compilefinal their admin uid arrays ... and then the hackers get into them by overwriting them with their uid :rolleyes:

In addition to the above, you need to write good scripts, with appropriate checks in them before the rest of them executes.
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Had literally just changed ours to Hardcore, didn't realise CPC were accepted, nice! Will probably change ours back as the players aren't happy that the server started off easymode and has now gone hardcore which is understandable tbh.
CCG were off mad because they weren't accepted due to their p2win scheme :p
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