so the story goes like , OCnetworks been friends with axle for a years i guess ,, but when somet doesn't go his way he kicks off treats people like poop , ive been in the TS myself when he kicked off ,,,, so ocnetworks donated 3000 dollars to axle to help him out , this was not related to epoch they already donated to the project, in return OCnetworks asked for nothing more bk ,,,,,,then one day on TS ...Axles wife told the owner of OCnetworks to **** off ,,, ocnetworks replayed back to axle u better tell your wife to say sorry cos ive just helped u out and thats how i get treated ,,, but the big headed axle stuck up for his wife and kicked off .removed there banner , ocnetworks had enough and moved on ,, got his 3000 k bk, now axle tried covering it all up saying they were bad and stuff and hiding the fact that another hoster company left, this was the one that leaked the server files, any way 2 hoster company VS the ones that stayed had amass DDos war with each other ,,, axle then did a live stream saying he will be kicked out of his flat ,,,bl bl , not realy he has a house and a job , so axle continues to make ocnetworks look bad ,,, and mass ddos war again ,,, bl bl Axle is now been sued for slander by ocnetworks