***ArmA 3 Thread***

Sent a ticket..


Who has the best upload around here, usually Melbo does..

I'll start a server off while waiting for the response..

Server name is marker

password is magic, no idea how good it will be with me as server and client.

Im also joining Melbos TS3 server, ip is
Trust me, the drag effect of full flap faaar outweighs the little extra lift they make. Even in something like Arma.

One stage of flaps, line up on the edge of the runway. Full power, try not to touch any controls until rotation (pulling up prematurely can slow you down further, or at least in A2 anyway). When you get to 150kph, don't yank the stick back, and only pull about halfway back, otherwise you'll probably stall it. It seems like 160kph is a reasonable takeoff speed for this jet but there isn't enough runway for that. Don't know how much difference it makes but try pulling the gear up the second you leave the ground. Don't retract the flaps until you're around 170-180kph

That seemed to do the trick for me, although admittedly barely clearing the fence

I was able to comfortably take off (AA loadout) half way down the airstrip.

1 notch of down flaps, full whack on the power. 5 degree nose up around the 150ish mark, took off about 2 thirds down the runway, possibly even closer to half way.

For landing, flaps down full, coasted into the larger strip about 250, as i crossed the end of the runway i was doing roughly 230
and low, put it down approx 180 full down throttle and it landed real smooth. It flies somewhat like that arma2 A10 except with a much higher top speed. Stops in good time once you get wheels down.
I was able to comfortably take off (AA loadout) half way down the airstrip.

1 notch of down flaps, full whack on the power. 5 degree nose up around the 150ish mark, took off about 2 thirds down the runway, possibly even closer to half way.

For landing, flaps down full, coasted into the larger strip about 250, as i crossed the end of the runway i was doing roughly 230
and low, put it down approx 180 full down throttle and it landed real smooth. It flies somewhat like that arma2 A10 except with a much higher top speed. Stops in good time once you get wheels down.

just to be clear, this is the far SE triangular shape airstrip i'm on about. If so then you have some skills pal :p
I know someone on this thread has recently ordered a TrackIR..

If you have, then I advise you to order this as well, goes for anyone with trackir..


It allows you to use the pro clip without plugging it into your pc for USB power, I get around 8 hours of full use with it before it needs recharging.. Plus you won't have your cable running everywhere...
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