***ArmA 3 Thread***

How do I get a go in a jet? Didn't see them in the editor?

Nevermind, I assume I have to enable dev build.

What's included in the 3.3gb I'll be downloading now that I've enabled Development Build?
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I know someone on this thread has recently ordered a TrackIR..

If you have, then I advise you to order this as well, goes for anyone with trackir..


It allows you to use the pro clip without plugging it into your pc for USB power, I get around 8 hours of full use with it before it needs recharging.. Plus you won't have your cable running everywhere...

That was me , ordered on Monday , great thank you very much , i will order one of these , i intend to be fully functioning at Arma by the weekend :D
Love the extra content:D
The buzzards are cool if a little slow, hopefully we'll get much faster jets in the full game.

Not so sure on that one. The only mention on more jets is two CAS planes coming soon after launch (its in one of the more recent sitreps, cant remember which one exactly) which would suggest something along the lines of an A10/Su25 type plane. There's been no mention whatsoever of dedicated fighters/bombers at all. The F35 seen in the early screenshots was only an Arma 2 placeholder and I'm not sure if we'll ever see it in A3. I would love to be proven wrong mind you...
Not so sure on that one. The only mention on more jets is two CAS planes coming soon after launch (its in one of the more recent sitreps, cant remember which one exactly) which would suggest something along the lines of an A10/Su25 type plane. There's been no mention whatsoever of dedicated fighters/bombers at all. The F35 seen in the early screenshots was only an Arma 2 placeholder and I'm not sure if we'll ever see it in A3. I would love to be proven wrong mind you...

Me too,

I'm sure there'll be plenty of mods made (jet wise) anyway, but would be great to see some on release.
I've been trawling the BIS forums this morning and discovered something.

Go into the editor, place a civve hatchback (sport). Take it for a drive, preferably on a road. That's all I'm saying.
Testing now.

Edit: LMFAO!

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try placing a man and empty hatchback and adding "this allowdamage false;" into the init line of each for extra hilarity!

seems like the ramps got removed at some point :(
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lol, does this really need answering, no they're just gonna leave a 400kp/h car in a simulator game.

I figured with it being set in the future and what not, that a 300-400 kp/h hatchback might be possible? :p Certainly far-fetched though! Ah well, would have been fun to see in the full game :)
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