***ArmA 3 Thread***

Just been playing the campaign in between BF4 crashing out on me. So far so good. Arma 3 does seem to get the GFX heat up more than anything I've seen so far - hit mid 70s after a 30min session.
I've just bought ARMA 3 and am playing the scuba showcase mission, but for the love of God I cannot take down the helicopter.

I've taken the Tital MPRL and an AA missile, but it will not lock onto the helicopter!

Please help, it's so frustrating.
Thanks. I managed to do it, I didn't bother to look at the controls, thinking it would be like all the other ones - wrong.

I do have one other problem though... Steam installs DirectX everytime I launch the game. It thinks it is performing first time setup - rather annoying.
Fired this up yesterday and god damn is beautiful :D

Seems a lot more fluid than previous versions!

Tried the heli Showcase that you need to drop off troops and kill mortar people, jesus that was hard and I failed miserably!
Time to dig the joystick out!
I find keys and mouse works better with helis, joystick is for jets?

Is there a 841mb update, cant see news for it


SPOTREP #00015
reported by Joris-Jan van 't Land on Wednesday 20th November 2013
FROM: Project Lead
TO: Arma 3 Users
UNIT: Main Branch
ACTIVITY: Game Update: 1.06 (Surround sound dialogues, Campaign fixes)
SIZE: ~841 MB

Tweaked: Hiding of rocket pods on unarmed variants of light helicopters
Helicopters have their supplies transport capacity tweaked
Fixed: Vehicle equipment loads in response to this issue (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14161)
Adjusted Buzzard's HUD
Adjusted rudder coefficient of Buzzard
Fixed: Dead pilots in Buzzards have a correct pose now
Better LCD screen resolution for current state of vehicle optics
Slammer fire geometry and damage setup improvement
Added: Missing PhysX and suspension settings on Kamysh and Tigris
Kamysh hull hitpoints improved
Kamysh and Tigris front side armor easier to pierce through
Reflection and macro UV stretching on Marshall wheels fixed
Marshall interior damage materials tweaked
Marid damage material UVs tweaked
Fixed: Panther material problems
Redefined camo selections on armored vehicles
Multiple tweaks and repaired hidden selections on armored vehicles
Fixed: SUV has a texture error inside (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13883)
Fixed: AH-9 minigun barrel axis is wrong (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=645)
Fixed: RAH-99 spot light emissive texture is always active (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12819)
Flickering shadows in interiors of cars should be fixed
Getting out of a static turret now causes player to face the turret
Ejecting has been removed from action menu for static weapons because there is no need to eject when getting out is enough
Fixed: Bad penetration materials on static Titan launcher (AT)
Removed old lights from Zamak
Removed lights from lower LODs of Bobcat
View-pilot LOD of Gorgon tweaked
Fixed: Animation for gunner of Gorgon
Fixed: Missing textures on Gorgan (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16032)
Speedboat has now correct sorting of anti-water material
Fixed: Hitpoints of main rotor for Mohawk
Fixed: More appropriately sized missiles for Cheetah
Fixed: Rear lights on HEMTTs
Fixed: The stick of xH-9 family helicopters works again
Fixed: FIA truck cabin was not visible from the back (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16043)
Fixed: Offroad Armed was only enterable from drivers side (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16025)
Fixed: Camo in view LOD of transport truck
Sabot hit effect tweaked
Tweaking of dust effects created by infantry
Hit of ground by rifles should be now better visible on medium and low particle quality
New underwater effect for smoke grenades
Fixed: inSpeed and inDir variables for explosion effects
Divers and their equipment has been visually tweaked
Independent soldiers have been visually tweaked
AAF have their helmets visually tweaked
Unified standardized ammo loads for each vehicle type for every faction
Unified smoke and smoke shell colors for every faction
Changed BLUFOR Recon Marksman default rifle to EBR (from MXM variant)
Small uniform weight / capacity ratio update
Updated setup of heli pilot / heli crew / pilot equipment so it's now comparable across factions
Swapped load order of some equipment to help engine to load inventory properly (heavier stuff should go first)
Weapon weight diversification:
Overall weapons weight increased
Increased weight of heavy pistols
Greater and better scaled weight differences between various weapons of the same type
Minor balance of OPFOR equipment:
Decreased weight of pilot uniform
Decreased capacity of standard uniforms
Increased weight of standard uniforms
Increased capacity of harnesses vests
Lowered damage of destroyed house hitpoints
New materials, improved textures for timbers and wood pile
Assistant Missile Specialist (AT) for all factions now carries one Anti-Personnel rocket and three Anti-Tank rockets, instead of just four Anti-Tanks rockets. Thus he offers somewhat broader spectrum of possibilities for Missile Specialist.
Increased amount of supplementary ammo carried by Assistant Automatic Rifleman for all factions to:
BLUFOR 12x 6.5mm 100 round magazine
OPFOR 8x 7.62mm 150 round magazine
INDEP 6x 6.5mm 200 round magazine
Fixed: Minor fix of INDEP equipment. GL vest variant for INDEP Squad and Team leaders to match the distribution with other factions
Fixed: Rebalanced independent vests to introduce even more diversity among armors
Fixed: Minor redistribution of Guerrilla weapons
Fixed: Introduced minor variability in BLUFOR assistant automatic rifleman supplementary ammunition
Added: Titan AP rockets for BLUOR IFV and INDEP IFV
Added: RPG HE rockets for OPFOR BTR
Added: Tactical vest for OPFOR Helipilot
Decreased weight of OPFOR Marksman Rahim rifle
Increased weight of BLUFOR Marksman MXM variant rifle
Tweaked camera shaking from medium and heavy ordnance firing, hits and explosions
Grenades now cast shadow while flying towards their target
Mines now have a correct side
The artillery computer of mortars has been re-calibrated to actual computer type (slightly more accurate)
Zephyr missiles have their distinctive magazines
Fixed: Stretched LCD overlay UV for CROWS optics
Fixed: Bad normal mapping on MRCO optic
Fixed: Floating scope on MXM weapon (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3102)
Fixed: Range on M2HMG misaligned (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15126)
Fixed: Tweaked parameters of SDARs underwater ammo
Fixed: TRG rifles have correct mouse-over description of caliber
Repaired penetration material on some signs
Configured the second ladder for dp_smallFactory_F and added a second ladder
Thin armor plate surface added
Added: New armor plate materials for future appliances
All official objects should now in editor correctly show their author
Removed first red page from Notepad, File (documents) and File (top secret)
Improved: Falling into rocks by lighthouse and unable to get out (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7276)
Various small objects have their models reworked (wooden piles and electronics)
Bunker object makes better use of its ladder
Configured new marker lights for e.g. runway lights and airport tower lights
Fixed: Label shading on ammo boxes
Fixed: Can we please get the ramps on the H-Barrier watchtowers working? (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15884)
Fixed: Geometry component of Scrap Heap
Fixed: Textures of bridges in lower LODs
Fixed: Walking on stairs on cargo tower and cargo patrol tower
'colorBackground' attribute in CfgORBAT renamed to 'colorInsignia'
Bug caused by change of EH functionality in engine fixed
Updated: BIS_fnc_objectSide can now detect actual player's side, even after it was changed on the fly. This affects BIS_fnc_MP function, but the its behavior should remain same.
Removed: Chair on top of building in Showcase Armed Assault (would float after building destruction)
Fixed: Indestructible communications tower in Showcase Vehicles
Updated: Marker colors based on sides are now named consistently with other uses of sides. Previous classes were preserved because of backward compatibility.
Updated: Scripted side recognition - (side group player) and (playerSide) is now replaced by (player call BIS_fnc_objectSide)
Fixed: When using "Vehicle Respawn" module with respawn on start position, vehicles were not respawn precisely on the spot
Fixed: BIS_fnc_deleteTask no longer attempts to delete non-existent tasks
Fixed: Tasks were not deleted globally (by the previous function)
Fixed: handleDamage EH issue (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6644)
Fixed: Sector icons in the 3D scene were not based on difficulty
Fixed: Flaw in the logic of BIS_fnc_quotations and BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder was preventing saving from being re-enabled when they terminated
Fixed: Returned distance from trigger border in BIS_fnc_inTrigger was twice the actual value
Added: CfgFactionClasses entries now contain 'flag' attribute defining what flag texture is used
Added: Holding right shift while moving Splendid Camera will slow down the movement. Useful for precise camera positioning.
Added: BIS_fnc_deleteTask - a function to completely remove a task
Added: When using "Vehicle Respawn" module with respawn on marker, vehicle now respawned on starting position when no marker is found. This is true only when the vehicle has simulation enabled.
Added: It's now possible to remove vehicle respawn (see header of BIS_fnc_moduleRespawnVehicle for more details)
Added: Triggers synchronized to "Sector" module through "Unlock" logic will be activated based on sector owner. This enables triggering specific events or modules based on who's in control of the sector. See in-game module description for more details.
Added: Some "Sector" module attributes (e.g., participating sides or sector areas) can now be modified on the fly.
Added: Improved visualization of sectors added by "Sector" module
Added: Faction flag is now used to visualize sector owned instead of side flag
Added: "Players cost" attribute in "Sector" module can now be a code, dynamically calculated during mission
Added: "Deserted delay" attribute replaced by more logical "Deserted distance". When vehicle is abandoned, a vehicle will respawn after no player is in the given distance from it.
Added: BIS_fnc_playerSideFaction - returns the representative faction of the given side
Added: New optional attribute for Sector - score reward. Defines how many points are awarded to a side which captured the sector.
Added: Calling 'true call BIS_fnc_moduleSector' will now list all sectors.
Correctly unsetting of texture in film grain PP
Game Options: Language switch changed to ComboBox
Updated: MP mission HUD (i.e. the bar visualizing sectors or remaining respawn tickets) now shows side score of all involved sides, instead of merely displaying the leading side
UI: Insert Marker - Flags are no longer colorized (the white parts were incorrectly colored)
Added: Expand button to campaign menu
Fixed: Cinematic borders didn't cover the screen edges (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15765)
Fixed: Preview image for selecting interface colors was always white
Fixed: Text area for number of respawn tickets was too narrow
Fixed: Tooltips of controls in more than one control group
Fixed: Pause menu effects were visible after returning to a mission from which player previously exited the game while in pause menu
Added: Links to Community Wiki and editing forum to debug console header
Added: Faction score in debriefing screen
Fixed: Cinema borders now properly hide other GUI elements
More campaign texts have been adjusted to match voice-over work
Maxwell: Soldier that was leaning against a tree and was clipping removed
Maxwell composition updated to fix the clipping during the Wet Work briefing
Adjusted dates and time of briefings at Maxwell
Updated: Object compositions of Maxwell
Fixed: Players would sometimes get stuck after the introductory Maxwell animations
Fixed: Crossing Paths Camp Maxwell task was not declared completed
“Report In” task navigating to the mission providers will now properly show the waypoint in all situations
The 'discussion group' detection distance for ambient conversations was set generally too high
Simple termination of the 2nd ambient animation added to prevent unwanted collisions during briefing cutscene, where some of the soldiers suddenly had no weapons
The mission intel OSD was showing the wrong location information in Maxwell
Added: Safecheck code to prevent overlapping of the two different mission intel OSDs
Patrol notification was showing even if the Patrol gets disabled
Missing line breaks in “Patrol” task description were added
World object persistency detection / destruction was failing in case of the radio tower in A_in / A_in2
Fixed: Weapon pool persistent variables causing issues when reverting campaign
The starting gear in the equipment pool was adjusted
Adjusted the crash site composition to prevent the medic from getting stuck
Miller's identity was not set correctly
Fixed: Potential script error with mortars in Tipping Point
Improved behavior of mortars in the episode finale. Standing still when not in cover is guaranteed to kill you. Moving and staying in cover drastically decreases the chance.
Further improvements to the balance of the mortar segment
Slight adjustments to player's team's reactions to paratroopers
Further improvements to the behavior of the extraction boats
Name of Alpha Lead in ORBAT was not updating correctly
Added: Crossing Paths light flash on LZ Connor when AAF starts the attack
Dead identities should be now correctly replaced by new ones
Tried to prevent more cases of medics getting stuck after they tend to the wounded
Zone restriction module has been updated for soldiers
Tweaked: Code for triggering missions through strategic map to prevent blinking after the map fades to black
Improved ambient animation termination code to make it more reliable
Fixed: Duplicity in equipment visualization after briefings
Improved transition from strategic map into briefing
Player can now freely switch between 1st and 3rd person views during briefings
Player can now freely switch between 1st and 3rd person views during ‘welcome to Maxwell’ cutscenes
Pressing [Space] before the scene is rendered should not break the intro walk-in part
Transition from Patrol to Maxwell improved; it is not playing an intro animation anymore
Force-started briefings now directly trigger the default mission and there is no armory after the briefing is done
The ambient animation function now auto-terminates if it is executed on unit that is already playing ambient animation
Hub briefing skip mechanics fixed & improved. Players can now skip the whole briefing and get directly to the armory if they press [Space] before it loads.
Weather is now correctly updated when the time shifts for a briefing (e.g. fixes out-of-place rain during one briefing). Wind and rain are handled better.
Fixed: Safecheck mechanic that could break the campaign progression
Fixed: Surround sound issues with conversations especially
ctrlAddEventHandler and displayAddEventHandler now accept game code as well as strings
Command removeAllActions changed
New network script function setObjectTextureGlobal
playableSlotsNumber command added - returns number of available slots or playable units
Removed parameter from getShadowDistance script command
Fixed: setShadowDistance works again
Event handlers return value is used only if non-null (details)
If no handleDamage handler returns a value the damage remains unchanged instead of setting it to zero
handleHeal event handler is now also called for self-healing
Fixed: SP mission sometimes didn't end when some display was opened
Merged from OA / DayZ: Small MP optimization related to simulation precision
Fixed: Campaign menu double-click behavior
Fixed: Campaign / Scenarios / Challenges menus expand & collapse buttons
Added: All UI trees can now be expanded by double-click on an item
Added: New CTree config option to expand / collapse tree using double-click
Added: RscTree expandOnDoubleclick parameter
Fixed: exThreads parameter can break some script commands (e.g. scriptDone) (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7456)
Added: zeroing for AI target tracking
Helicopters are no longer able to move with destroyed main rotor
Stop propeller animation for ships when engine is hit
Terrain shadows tweaked
Moon and stars are now affected by fog
Fixed sun flare intensity computation
Added: New parameter drawLightSize for simple point light
Fixed: Taking a sidearm could break the weapon info
Fixed: HUDinfo does not show grenade info when character has no weapon
Fixed: AI gun shots inaudible after reload (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15044)
Fixed: Disappearing magazines when changing to same weapon
Fixed: CTD when lasing a target with an UAV as a team leader
Fixed: Crash when double-clicking tree in campaign menu
Fixed: Crash when setting zero or negative mass
Fixed: Crash while starting -server
I keep firing up Arma 3 but never knowing wtf to do with it. I've tried some wasteland servers but again no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. Haven't tried any "real" arma missions yet. Anyone up for walking a noob through this this weekend?

I played DayZ for around 6 months when it first came out so pretty familiar with the old arma 2 style inventory and the game in general but never played any proper arma missions with 2 either. I really feel like I'm missing out on the best part of the game by just not having a good group of people to play with in team based matchups.
We're having a little problem with our server since the 1.06 patch - The chat stops working for a few people a few minutes into a round. Tried a round restart and a server restart but it keeps happening, albeit with different people each time. Everyone can still send chat, but only a select few will be able to receive it. A couple of people have said they've experienced it on other servers as well, I don't know if they were servers playing the same mission or not. Weirdly there doesn't seem to be anything on BIS forums, and the only tickets on the feedback tracker seems to be related to the 'stream friendly UI'. The only thing I can think of is that it took a few attempts to get the server to update so maybe something corrupted (shall try a reinstall or something later) Any other hosters having this?

Oh and in case you didn't realise from all that, we now have a server running BECTI!

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I think this is it, a mission given in steam workshop. Like wasteland only better :D

BECTI is a Conquer The Island gamemode based on the old school OFP MFCTI where two teams composed of Players and AI fight for the controls of an island in a power struggle with towns and bases.

The commander is the leader of your side, only he may build the base and set the income distribution, all team leaders shall always listen to the commander. The commander is the only one which is able to perform upgrades and assign orders.

Towns need to be captured and held by your side, to capture a town, you simply have to stand next to the flag while no enemy is around, but watch out ! the town occupation may try to defend it ! The generated income and the units may vary depending on a town's size.

Funds are mainly earned by capturing town and salvaging wrecks but killing enemies will also reward you with a bounty bonus, funds may be used to purchase units and gear.

Parameters allows you to play with a different setup all the time, nearly everything can be changed (AI, base, environment, economy, gameplay, module, respawn, towns...).

As the fights goes on, different assets may appear such as:

HQ: The HQ is the commander's main toy. Once destroyed, a side may no longer build factories so move it wisely!
Repair trucks: Repair trucks may be used by anyone to buy and place defensive structure but they can also be used to repair and build factories. FOB may be deployed from it upon request!
Ammo trucks: The ammo truck act as mobile resupply point for both infantry and vehicles. The gear and the service menu may be accessed from it.
Salvage trucks: Salvage trucks may be used to gain a certain cash amount from vehicle wrecks (You get 50% of the bounty, the rest is split among the other units). Independent trucks may also be purchased by commander.
Forward operating base: Those special structures may be built from Repair Truck and may act as a mobile respawn/resupply point. Note that they are limited in a way that only X of them may be placed at a time. They can be dismantled by using the Repair Truck contextual menu.
Respawn: Whenever the player dies, he/she may choose to respawn at a FOB (if near) or at a factory built by the commander. The player may choose to respawn in one of his AI units if near (note that you get the AI's gear upon respawn). Revive will be possible in future versions.
Air/Sea Lifting: Roads are unsafe? Why not lift the HQ by the air or by the sea? SDV can hook wrecks underwater (HQ recovery!)
Command Center: Are you far from the base? Have you forgotten to buy a vehicle? Then this structure is meant for you! The Command Center increase the purchase range and allows the use of custom assets such as Units Cam and Sat Cam.

The mission is also composed of multiple menu (GUI) like:

Purchase Menu: This menu allows the player to reinforce his/her own squad with units/vehicles. The commander may purchase units to other groups.
Gear Menu: Thanks to the Barracks, FOB and Ammo Trucks the player may swap his gear on the fly (nb vest/uniform don't have any valid gear manipulation commands atm)
Orders Menu: The orders menu allows the commander to change the orders assigned to his/her teams. Some may need to to take town X while other have to take and hold town Y.
AI Micro Menu: By default, the engine gives a basic AI management regarding AI in one's group. This menu extends this management allowing the leader to plan/use custom orders for his/her AI such as patrol/take towns (Some orders like move or patrol can be queued)
Service Menu: This menu is used to perform utility/resupply actions on units and vehicles (heal, repair, rearm...)
Upgrade Menu: The commander has to perform upgrades in order to improve it's side assets (better units, better loadouts...)
Units Camera: When a Command Center is available, the units camera become available allowing the monitoring of other groups members.
Satellite Camera: When a Command Center is available and when this asset is upgraded, one may use the Sat cam in order to find enemy whereabouts.

Forum: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?166433-SP-MP-BeCTI
Its the same as Warfare BE on Arma 2, made by the same guy. For some reason he gave it a different name.

It's still in its early stages and there are still a few bugs but the latest version has improved a lot of pet peeves and overall its coming along nicely (think i've made a similar comment here in the past)!
Latest Sitrep announces brand new MBT as well as revamped wildcat chopper/Warrior IFV from A2 BAF for the indie faction to be released on dev 'imminently' and on main in the next 1.08 patch. Also, all Arma 2 content to be released by the end of the week. Link

Looks awesome thinge, will give it a go this weekend. Do you guys have a teamspeak server? :)
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